Energy Production

The greatest need modern civilizations have is energy. Learn about oil, electricity and newer forms of energy like solar and wind power.

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Did you know that the sun shines more energy onto the Earth's surface than all of its inhabitants use in an entire year? Learn how to sell electricity back to the grid.

ByAllison Wachtel

Bird death is a critique among those who oppose wind turbines. The data from multiple studies doesn't back that up.

ByJesslyn Shields

Wind farms are touted for their ability to capture a clean, renewable energy source. Is producing wind energy as beneficial as it seems, or are there any downsides?

ByLance Looper


Energy has been on everybody's minds lately, probably because our society is in a transition period, trying to move from polluting sources to cleaner ones.

Coal dominates the power industry in the U.S., producing nearly half of all electricity consumed in the country.

ByRachel Cernansky, Planet Green

For most of the developed world, a flick of a switch brings the lights, television, computer, and dozens of other gadgets and appliances to life without question.

ByDavid DeFranza, Planet Green

Shedding light on dark energy has been a bit of a challenge for today's astronomers. What dark energy actually is goes beyond our present scientific understanding.

By Talal Al-Khatib


The United States is the world's top producer of oil, but it still depends on foreign countries for millions of barrels, as well. Will there ever be a time when the U.S. is totally independent when it comes to oil production?

ByCherise Threewitt&Sarah Gleim

Why can't we generate all the electricity we need from the wind? Learn more about generating energy from wind power.

ByMichael Graham Richard, Planet Green

The cost of solar panels depends on how sunny it is where you live, how much you spend on electricity and what size PV system you need. Learn what factors into the cost of solar panels in this article. Contributors

The global oil supply can't meet the demand forever. Will the last drops of oil lead to widespread anarchy, the end of globalization and the relentless exploitation of previously protected drilling sites?

ByRobert Lamb&Sascha Bos


Americans use a lot of gasoline -- hundreds of thousands of barrels each month, as a matter of fact. But did you ever wonder where all of that gas actually comes from?

ByJamie Page Deaton

These pics will take you to the jungles of Sumatra, the Niger delta and points in between all in the name of oil. Get ready to learn about oil all around the globe.

ByRick Mayda

The outer continental shelf of the United States could hold a sizeable amount of oil. But is it enough to make a difference in the price of oil?

ByJennifer Horton

Nuclear power stands as one of humanity's greatest scientific achievements, as well as one of the greatest risks to its self-extermination. This collection of images highlights some of the main features of nuclear power.

ByRick Mayda


Scientists working with Foster's Brewing Company have made a fuel cell using bacteria and the brewery's waste water. They claim that their fuel cell generates non-polluting power as it cleanses the water. But is the "beer battery" simply a novelty?

ByJacob Silverman

Where electricity is produced from a coal fired power station, how much coal is required to run a 100-watt light bulb 24 hours a day for one year?

You've probably never noticed how many of these you use everyday, but HowStuffWorks took the time to count them and take them apart to see what's inside!

ByMarshall Brain

Have you ever wondered what happens when you flip a switch to turn something on? You're completing an electric circuit, allowing a current, or flow of electrons, through the wires.

BySidney Soclof


When gas prices shoot through the roof, alternative technologies start to look even more interesting. This one uses heat to create energy, and all we really need is the sun.

ByJane McGrath

In "Back to the Future," Doc Brown throws garbage into Mr. Fusion, powering his time machine. We might be closer than you think to generating electricity for our homes using trash.

ByJonathan Strickland

如果石油页岩可以减少美国forei的依赖gn nations for oil, why aren't we making it yet? We're caught between a rock and a hard, geopolitical place.

ByJosh Clark

The ever-changing price of a barrel of oil has a lot to do with what we pay for gasoline at the pump. But do you know the four major factors that contribute to the price of oil?

ByPatrick E. George


Could solar cells be the asphalt of the 21st century?

ByPatrick E. George&Cherise Threewitt

For decades, we've depended on an outdated, centralized power system that wastes power and occasionally fails to meet everyone's needs. The idea of a localized power grid, or microgrid, might just be the change we need.

ByRobert Lamb