Preventive Care

Preventative care and services are performed in an effort to prevent major illness or injury. Learn about some of the different types of preventative care you can take along with specific prevention for men, women and children.

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We talked to a virologist who answers six questions about how the monkeypox vaccines work, who can get them and how well they prevent infection.

ByMaureen Ferran

One epidemiologist scoured the latest research and has some answers.

ByKatelyn Jetelina


The CORBEVAX vaccine was developed with global access in mind. It is a low-cost, easy-to-produce and -transport vaccine and the $7 million needed for development was provided by philanthropists.

ByMaureen Ferran

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, people who were previously vaccinated are now being asked to get booster shots. Is there a way to know whether your previous shot might still be valid?

ByAlia Hoyt

Vaccine hesitancy has a long history in the world. Why is that and what can be done to change it?

ByAlia Hoyt

Every year, a version of the flu vaccine must be developed, to compensate for the changes in the flu virus the year before. Will we ever have a one-and-done flu vaccine?

ByAlia Hoyt


Social distancing is definitely not something most of us are used to. After all, we humans are social creatures. So what is it exactly, and how are we supposed to do it?

ByPatty Rasmussen

Put down the sanitizer and get out the soap! Health experts say washing with soap and water gets more germs off your hands than using the alcohol-based stuff. But why?

ByAlia Hoyt

Whether winter is a-knocking at your poorly insulated office – or you have a too-efficient AC in the summertime, we have some creative real-world tips and advice on gadgets to help you stay warm.

ByAlia Hoyt

It may sound odd, but some people swear that swishing oil — yes, oil — in your mouth can net benefits for both oral and overall health. What's the scoop with oil pulling?

ByMaria Trimarchi


Blisters on your toes and feet are annoying and uncomfortable, but you don't you have to sacrifice fashion for healthy feet. Here's how to avoid blisters.

ByJennifer Sellers

If you're heading to the beach, you need to be aware of some beach hazards. Learn about the top 10 beach hazards here to be prepared.

ByDiscovery Fit and Health Writers

Whether it's an unsightly rash on your rear end or trouble in the bedroom, an embarrassing health problem may be the last thing you want to talk about, but some can be life-threatening. Which are we least likely to bring up with someone who can help?

ByTom Scheve

They live well into their nineties and often times up break the hundred year mark. Their existence is healthy but the underlying reasons are often cultural.

BySara Novak


Don't stop dosing yourself with Vitamin C, but don't overlook some of the other more fun ways to stay healthy this sick season.

ByLaurel House

Caulk is good for your home, except when it's bad. Learn more about caulking and health.

ByJosh Peterson, Planet Green

While most homes have at least one first-aid kit, another important item that each family member should have at the ready is a medical history document. You can learn more about what to include in a medical history document from this article. Contributors

Some pains should never be ignored because they could put our health — or worse — our life at risk. But how do you know which is just a little discomfort and which is a sign of more?

ByTom Scheve&Jennifer Walker-Journey


上世纪许多发明和想法some potential to be useful, but actually will have negative consequences to our bodies or the environment. Learn about the detriments of everyday items.

Bythe editors of PureHealthMD

Mosquitoes are known to carry disease, leave uncomfortable and painful bites, and ruin picnics. But before you reach for the can of chemicals, try these natural mosquito repellants.

Bythe editors of PureHealthMD

We consulted nutrition, health and fitness experts to come up with seven simple steps for better health. See how to stay healthy even with a busy lifestyle.

ByAnn Coulston,Jane Folkman,Rachel Johnson,Richard Cotton&Carol Krucoff

Being healthy is about more than just being free of germs. Get some tips on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle -- from the inside out.


In less than 24 hours one single bacteria cell can multiply to more than 8 million -- and it only takes 10 bacteria cells to make you sick. Keep them at bay with five germ-fighting tips.

ByMaria Trimarchi

People are buying probiotics in droves because they're supposed to have a lot of health benefits. But is that true or just hype?

ByMolly Edmonds&Jesslyn Shields