How Webcams Work

The Basic Idea

This simple USB Webcam from Creative Labs costs around $30.
Photo courtesy

Webcams, like most things, range from simple to complex. If you understand the essence of a simple Webcam setup, increasing the complexity is only a matter of adding functionality through software, custom code and/or equipment connections.

A simple Webcam setup consists of adigital cameraattached to yourcomputer, typically through theUSB port. The camera part of the Webcam setup is just a digital camera -- there's really nothing special going on there. The "Webcam" nature of the camera comes with the software. Webcam software "grabs a frame" from the digital camera at a preset interval (for example, the software might grab a still image from the camera once every 30 seconds) and transfers it to another location for viewing. If you're interested in using your Webcam for streaming video, you'll want a Webcam system with a highframe rate. Frame rate indicates the number of pictures the software can grab and transfer in one second. For streaming video, you need a minimum rate of at least 15 frames per second (fps), and 30 fps is ideal. To achieve high frame rates, you need a high-speedInternetconnection.


Once it captures a frame, the software broadcasts the image over your Internet connection. There are several broadcast methods. Using the most common method, the software turns that image into aJPEG fileand uploads it to aWeb serverusing File Transfer Protocol (FTP). You can easily place a JPEG image on anyWeb page(for information on creating Web pages and adding JPEG images, seeWeb页面是如何工作的).

If you don't have your own Web server, lots of companies offer you a free place to upload your images, saving you the trouble of having to set up and maintain a Web server or a hosted Web site.

This is the simplest possible Webcam. Let's see what you need to make it happen.