How Webcams Work

A webcam on a computer.
Webcams range from the silly to the serious -- a Webcam might point at a coffee pot or a space shuttle launch pad.Steve Chenn / Getty Images

If you have been exploring theWebfor any length of time, then you have run across any number ofWebcamsin your travels. Webcams range from the silly to the serious -- a Webcam might point at acoffee potor a space shuttle launch pad. There are business cams, personal cams, private cams, traffic cams... You name it and there's probably a Webcam pointed at it.

Have you ever considered setting up a Webcam yourself? You might want to create a funny Webcam by pointing it at your hamster or putting it inside your refrigerator. But it turns out there are lots of productive uses for Webcams, too. For example:


  • You will be out of town for a week and you want to keep an eye on your house.
  • You'd like to be able to check on the baby sitter and make sure everything is OK while you are at work.
  • You'd like to know what your dog does in the back yard all day.
  • 你想让祖父母窟ch the new baby during nap time.

If there is something that you would like to monitor remotely, a Webcam makes it easy.

In this article, we will look at the steps you can take to put up your own simple Web camera.