How Web Servers Work

Clients and Servers

In general, all of the machines on the Internet can be categorized as two types: servers and clients. Those machines that provide services (like Web servers or FTP servers) to other machines areservers. And the machines that are used to connect to those services areclients. When you connect to Yahoo! at to read a page, Yahoo! is providing a machine (probably a cluster of very large machines), for use on the Internet, to service your request. Yahoo! is providing a server. Your machine, on the other hand, is probably providing no services to anyone else on the Internet. Therefore, it is a user machine, also known as a client. It is possible and common for a machine to be both a server and a client, but for our purposes here you can think of most machines as one or the other.

服务器可以提供一个或多个服务on the Internet. For example, a server machine might have software running on it that allows it to act as a Web server, ane-mailserver and anFTPserver. Clients that come to a server machine do so with a specific intent, so clients direct their requests to a specific software server running on the overall server machine. For example, if you are running a Web browser on your machine, it will most likely want to talk to the Web server on the server machine. YourTelnetapplication will want to talk to the Telnet server, your e-mail application will talk to the e-mail server, and so on...
