How Web Pages Work

Removing Scroll Bars and Borders

Simple page with "nested" frames

If you prefer a "clean" look to your page, free of any scrollbars and borders, you can specify this with tags placedwithinyour "frame src" tag.

Remove scrollbars by adding the tag "scrolling=no."



Remove borders by adding the tag "frameborder=0."


You can also specify the margin width and height of each frame by adding the tags "marginwidth=value" and "marginheight=value." You can make the margins any pixel value you wish. Again, insert these tags within the "frame src" tag.

Multiple Frames

A variety of rows and columns of frames can be combined, creating frameset documents set within other frameset documents. The organization of tags necessary to achieve this effect can be quite complex. See the image at the top of the page for an example of a simple page with "nested" frames.

The frameset document created for this layout is:

< html > <头> <标题>框架测试< /名称> < /头> <弗拉姆号eset rows="20%, 80%">         

Broken down, this is what each row of "frame" tags indicates:

There are two rows within this document. The top row occupies 20 percent of the available vertical space. The bottom row occupies 80 percent. In effect, these values specify theheightof each row.

There are two columns within the first row. The left column occupies 70 percent of the available horizontal space and the right column occupies 30 percent. In effect, these values specify thewidthof each column.

The HTM document "logo" will appear in the first column of the first row.

The HTM document "address" will appear in the second column of the first row.

The first column frameset is complete.

The HTM document "info" will appear in the first column of the second row.

The HTM document "links" will appear in the second column of the second row.

The second column frameset is complete.

The entire frameset is complete.

Frames are a great tool you can use to make your Web page even more eye-catching and dynamic. They allow you to maintain certain aspects of your page even as a user clicks on a link to another part of your site, or to another site entirely. To continue building the Web page of your dreams, check out the next section on images.