Urban Sport

Urban Sports articles explore unusual sports that are performed in busy urban settings. Discover urban sports videos about BASE jumping, Parkour, and more.

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Strange to think that a sport could actually be illegal -- but it could get you arrested if it involves trespassing, injures others or is just plain crazy. Here are 10 sports that could get you in trouble.

By Becky Striepe

Outdoor adult fitness areas -- playgrounds for grown-ups -- are sprouting up in cities all over the world. What 10 items would put the most fun into exercise?

By Maria Trimarchi

You've surely seen some amazing skateboarding tricks on TV or YouTube. But have you seen the 1080 turn? Or the Loop of Death? Or jumping the Grand Canyon? These are just some of the 10 craziest skateboarding feats. What's No. 1?

By Dave Roos


The draws of urban exploration can be tantalizing: Glimpses into architectural eras, cultures and industry gone and buried -- sometimes literally. What are 10 cities jam-packed with fascinating sites of urban decay?

By Julia Layton

The forgotten past inside abandoned homes, old warehouses and broken-down factories is a siren call for urban explorers. But even if you're just there to look, is it legal to enter?

By Julia Layton

Answering the question of whether it's safer to ride on the sidewalk starts with answering a different one: Is it even legal to do that?

By Julia Layton

When mountain climbing becomes too mundane, that's when you go buildering. We'll tell you just what it takes to master this urban sport.

By Mark Boyer


From New York to L.A., bicycle fever is taking hold as city folk turn to two wheels. Be sure you arrive alive with our safety tips.

By Chris Opfer

Running on a treadmill at the gym may get the job done when it comes to burning calories, but it's awfully boring. How else can you exercise in your city?

By Clint Pumphrey

If you want an adrenaline rush quite like none you've had before, BASE jumping might be for you. And these are five of the best spots to take a leap.

By John Perritano

Longboards aren't ideal for doing the impressive ollies and railslides that win the hearts and minds of skateboarding enthusiasts, but they do provide a sweet way to get from point A to point B.

By Chris Jones


想象自己行驶在弯曲的道路高the mountains. Take away the car and put yourself in a small metal sled. Now, imagine that the sled has no brakes -- and you're going 60 mph. If this sounds like fun, street luge just might be the sport for you.

By Bambi Turner

For avid snowboarders, summer brings deprivation -- six months without waist-high powder, death-defying drops and high-flying half-pipes. Mountain boarding can help board-sport fanatics cope with the sunshine.

By Dave Roos

What attracts people to this outdoor sport? The speed. Harnessing the wind, a land sailboat can easily jet across dry land at 50 miles per hour or more.

By Linda C. Brinson

Cocky husbands may brag that, financially speaking, they carry their wives. But can they literally carry her... over fences, through 3-feet-deep water -- 250 meters?

By Debra Ronca


It looks like the Goliath of beach balls, it contains a passenger and it's rolling down a grassy hill. What's it like inside one of these giant spheres?

By Amy Hunter

In a world aglow with electric lights and jam-packed with skyscrapers and cities, are there still uncharted territories left to explore? Sure -- the buildings and tunnels that no one uses anymore. How do urban explorers find adventure in concrete jungles?

By Josh Clark

Some people take to reading or needlepoint, but others need a little more adrenaline on the weekends. Climbing without ropes, jumping from helicopters onto snowy slopes -- what is it that drives people to such extremes?

For BASE jumpers, leaping out of an airplane at 15,000 feet and free-falling at well over 100 mph isn't quite daring enough. They look for more unique ways to test their limits -- stunts so risky that they're actually illegal in many places.

By Ed Grabianowski


What if a morning jog didn't involve training for a marathon or wearing short shorts? What if it meant creative individual expression through acrobatic moves like leaping from walls and over gaps doing ground rolls and precision jumping?

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People everywhere are putting location-based technology to innovative use creating "experiences" in public settings that are part game, part performance art, and part sociology experiment. Find out about urban gaming.

By Ed Grabianowski