Hiking & Camping

Hiking articles explore ways to stay fit and see the natural world. Discover the world of hiking and camping in this channel.

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If you decide to take the family dog along on your next camping trip, you'll need to prepare a bit before the canine fun begins. What essentials will your dog need, and what kind of prep work is crucial on your end of the leash?

By Jessika Toothman

Scenic views, glimpses of rare wildlife and good times around the campfire make camping worthwhile. But if there's one downside that a lot of us nature lovers could do without, it's the difficulty and hassle of trying to take a shower without the wonderful amenities of modern society.

By Rachel Oswald

The one really awkward thing about camping in the woods is that there aren't any restrooms. But guess what? You can bring along your own toilet!

By Sarah Winkler


A hike seems like little more than a leisurely walk -- until you hit that hilly terrain. Suddenly, your fun little stroll has just become an exercise in pain and fatigue. How can avoid that fate ahead of time?

By Josh Clark

Most dogs enjoy being outside even more than we do -- it's a brand-new world of smells, sounds and sights for them to discover. A hike might be the perfect way for you and your dog to get some exercise and have some fun. We've got some tips to make it a safe and happy trip.

By Shanna Freeman

For some people, hiking is little more than walking in the great outdoors. But others take the activity to the next level, venturing into rougher, more remote terrain. What gear can help you get the most out of your hike?

By Nicholas Gerbis

Whether we're in the kitchen or bonding with Mother Nature for a weekend, everyone needs to eat. Although some opt for easy snacks and instant foods, it's possible to bring lightweight, easy-to-carry cookware along with on camping trips.

By Heather Kolich


Thousands of unexpected encounters between people and wild bears occur each year, but these interactions don't have to result in injuries for either species. What types of gear can help protect you if you find yourself in bear country?

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This outdoor endurance event challenges you to lug a tree stump up hills, rescue a bag of Legos from the bottom of a pond and recite from memory a list of U.S. presidents. That is, if you don't die first.

By Patrick J. Kiger

It's crazy the way a GPS receiver knows where you are, even when you don't. How can you get this godlike little gadget to lead you to your destination?

By Amy Hunter

Nothing is more irksome on an otherwise pleasant summer evening than mosquitoes nipping at your legs. What five ways can you keep these pesky insects at bay?

By Sarah Winkler


Sheep wear the stuff all the time, and they seem to keep pretty cozy and dry. What is it about wool that keeps you dry in the rain, cool in the heat and warm in the cold?

By Charles W. Bryant

The GPS gadget is so awesome, it'll make you want to chuck your compass and map. But should you? Which device is really your best friend in the forest?

By Debra Ronca

If you don't know what all the lines and symbols mean, trying to read a topographic map is like trying to read a foreign language. Not a good feeling when you're lost.

By Debra Ronca

You're standing in a cool mountain stream, and the water looks so delicious. Should you cup your hand and pour your mouth a drink? Nope. Why?

By Amy Hunter


如果你大量与昆虫repell整个身体ent that reads "100 percent DEET" on the label, are you doing yourself harm? How much DEET do you really need to repel bugs?

By Debra Ronca

Your skis can be made into deck material. Your climbing rope can transform into clothes hangers. Your shoes can surface a playground. What else could your gear become in its second life?

By Debra Ronca

It may seem like an easy task, but a backpack packed inefficiently will give you headache on the trail. How can you organize your pack to make it work for you in the woods?

By Amy Hunter

It's late at night, you're lying in your tent, and all you can think about are the many reasons a bear might plod into your campsite to eat you. We'll share ten of them with you.

By Sarah Winkler & Kate Kershner


Backpacking immerses you in nature's magnificence, with one minor stipulation: Carry everything you need to survive -- food, water, shelter -- on your back. Can you bear that load?

By Amy Hunter

Our homes are so cozy and temperature controlled. But there's nothing quite like sleeping under a starry sky. The smell of clean air, a warm open fire. Let's go camping.

By Sarah Winkler

It's difficult to enjoy the carefree outdoors when you're piggy-backing one-third of your own body weight. Ultralighters pare down their loads to the bare essentials. What's the trick to packing light?

By Amy Hunter

The Boy Scouts was founded based on concerns that city-dwelling kids would lose touch with nature. The camping and hiking focus has never faltered. What else hasn't changed in the scouts?

By Amy Hunter


What started out as a small troop of girls in Savannah, Ga., has developed into an international phenomenon. Who is today's Girl Scout and what would we do without her Thin Mints?

By Amy Hunter

Mosquitoes are a drag. So's rubbing oily, stinky insect repellent all over your body and inhaling poisonous DEET. What if your odor-free clothes did the repelling for you?

By Charles W. Bryant