How Gas Turbine Engines Work

Combustion Area

This high-pressure air then enters the combustion area, where a ring offuel injectors注入源源不断的福el. The fuel is generally kerosene, jet fuel, propane or natural gas. If you think about how easy it is to blow acandleout, then you can see the design problem in the combustion area -- entering this area is high-pressure air moving at hundreds of miles per hour. You want to keep a flame burning continuously in that environment. The piece that solves this problem is called a "flame holder," or sometimes a "can." Thecanis a hollow, perforated piece of heavy metal. Half of the can in cross-section is shown below:

Theinjectorsare at the right. Compressed air enters through the perforations. Exhaust gases exit at the left. You can see in the previous figure that asecond set of cylinderswraps around the inside and the outside of this perforated can, guiding the compressed intake air into the perforations.
