Is There Finally Proof of Alien Implants in Human Bodies?

alien abduction Jeremy Corbell
Are aliens abducting people to implant them with foreign objects?Maciej Toporowicz, NYC/Getty Images

Jeremy Corbell is an investigative filmmaker who documents what he callsordinary peoplewith extraordinary beliefs. He's produced documentaries on everything fromnanotechnologyand aerospace exploration to the super-weird and unexplained, including deathbed confessions from former U.S. government officials claiming to know the truth about UFOs (and the worldwide coverup).

Stuff They Don't Want You To Know hosts Matt Frederick, Ben Bowlin and Noel Brown invited Corbell to sit in on anepisode of the podcastto discuss — what else? — alien abductions. But more specifically, they wanted to talk to Corbell about whether he thinks aliens abduct people to implant them with foreign objects. And if so, are these objects extraterrestrial? If they're not, then where do they come from? Corbell and the STDWYTK team examine these questions — and more — in this fascinating episode.


最初有点怀疑论者,有限公司rbell wasasked to documenta surgical procedure by the now-lateDr. Roger Leir, a podiatric surgeon and "alien implant specialist." Leir was going to remove a mysterious object from a man's leg. Corbell was curious, so he agreed to film it and it's all documented in his new film"Patient Seventeen." What he witnessed made him feel that, however outrageous they may sound, claims of off-world implants andalien abductionsclearly necessitate serious investigation.

Why? The object removed from "Patient Seventeen" was unusual in appearance, and Leir sent it to a New Hampshire lab for testing. Thereports foundthat it contained rare-earth elements, some even toxic to the human body. Even more compelling, it seemed to emit electromagnetic frequencies, indicating that the object could be some kind of communication or tracking device.

Corbell admits he felt some of the equipment was mishandled, which could have caused the blips Leir detected from the object prior to the elemental analysis. So his skepticism was still holding firm until the lab tested the object usingisotopic analysis.

Isotopesare variations in elements. The number of protons is the same, but the number of neutrons varies, creating stable and radioactive versions of elements. For example,the atomic bombcould only be created when scientists were able to isolate one uranium isotope from the rest.

The isotopic analysis the lab performed dropped a different kind of bomb: The lab report showed ratios far beyond "terrestrial ratios" known on Earth. Did that mean that the implant removed from Patient Seventeen was not terrestrial? That it was, in fact, extraterrestrial?

Not necessarily. Corbell's mentor, investigative journalist George Knapp, urged Corbell to quantify the results and have the sample tested numerous times at different laboratories. A thorough scientific method would be the only way to get real proof that the implant was otherworldly. But Corbell claims that his and Patient Seventeen's combined efforts to obtain a sample of the object have been in vain, so they can't verify the results further until they have the opportunity to test the sample at more labs. Nor have they ever had access tothe other objectsLeir has removed and claimed were extraterrestrial in nature.

But Corbell's thirst for the truth remains, and he continues to investigate the unexplained. To hear more of his story about Patient Seventeen, and others like him (including "Nano Man" and the infamousSkinwalker Ranch)listen to the entire podcastand decide for yourself if there's more here than meets the eye.


