
Explore the vast reaches of space and mankind’s continuing efforts to conquer the stars, including theories such as the Big Bang, the International Space Station, plus what the future holds for space travel and exploration.

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It's a celestial gift in the middle of August. Just look up for a spectacular sight.

ByChristopher Hassiotis


ByPatrick J. Kiger

Comet NEOWISE comes by only once every 6,800 years. But it will be visible to anyone with binoculars or even to the naked eye. Here's how to spot this rare event.

ByNathan Chandler


Watching meteor showers can be a spectacular sight. We talked to some astronomy experts on how to improve your meteor-viewing experience.

ByNathan Chandler

Astronomers used Hubble's full range of imaging to dissect wild 'fireworks' happening in two nearby young planetary nebulas.

ByCarrie Whitney, Ph.D.

1953年,加州大学地球化学主义者克莱尔·帕特森(Clair Patterson)提出了对地球时代的估计值。

ByPatrick J. Kiger

Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun and sits on an axial plane tilted at a jaw-dropping 97.7-degree angle. And yes, Uranus does actually stink.

ByMark Mancini



ByMark Mancini

A new kind of survival story: Scientists discovered a star that came near a black hole and lived to tell the tale – at least temporarily.

ByNathan Chandler



Every April, the Lyrid meteor shower fills the sky with shooting stars. Here's how to see them in 2021.

ByMark Mancini



ByKatie Carman

NASA's historic Beach House on Cape Canaveral is the last place many astronauts visit before they blast off into space. Today it's full of mission memories and NASA artifacts.

ByMark Mancini

Nobody's nose knows better than NASA's George Aldrich. He's the longest-serving member of the space agency's odor panel, which basically sniffs and smells everything that goes up into space.

ByJohn Donovan

Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun and the second largest planet in the solar system. It has an amazing ring system and 82 moons! And did we mention that it's an oblong world that appears squished looking?

ByMark Mancini



ByNathan Chandler

NASA and the European Space Agency's new Solar Orbiter will travel as close as 26 million miles to the sun to get the first glimpses of its north and south poles.

ByMark Mancini

Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun, and one of the coldest. It also has supersonic winds that are the fastest in the solar system.

ByMark Mancini

The Geminid meteor shower is one of the year's stronger displays in terms of number and size of meteors. When's the best time to see it?

ByChristopher Hassiotis


1984年,罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)总统对一个永久居住的空间站有了远见。今天,这种愿景是我们称为国际空间站的现实。

ByCraig Freudenrich博士&Mark Mancini

Polaris, also known as the North Star, is almost exactly over the celestial North Pole, making it extremely useful for navigation (and for making wishes on, as well).

ByPatrick J. Kiger


ByMark Mancini

A Russian cosmonaut printed some steak in space, and now we're one step closer to sending humans to Mars.



Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Big as it is though, next to the sun, Jupiter looks puny.

ByMark Mancini


ByIan O'Neill, Ph.D.