From the Rhino to the Corn: 10 Facts From the Wide World of Rat Snakes

By:Mark Mancini|
rat snake
Corn snakes are some of the most popular pet snakes because they're gentle and easy to care for.Predrag Popovski/Getty Images

You are what you eat. Thebat falconof Central and South America is so named because it's a bird that hunts flying mammals. So it goes with the "rat snakes." Found throughout much of the Northern Hemisphere, these reptiles often serve asau naturalerodent exterminators.

Beyond that, they've made a mark on the pet trade, too; some dedicated hobbyists write four-figure checks to procure rare or unusual rat snake specimens. From their husbandry to their evolution, here are 10 cool things that make rat snakes so wild.


1. Rat Snakes Belong to the Largest Snake Family

If there's a random snake you're trying to ID and it's not a boa,python, viper, rattlesnake or some venomouselapid(the family cobras,曼巴和海蛇属于),然后有一个好的茶nce it's a colubrid.

Colubridsslither across every continent except Antarctica. Thousands of species are known, including milk snakes, kingsnakes,garter snakes, racers, flying snakes (yeah, those are a thing) and our new pals, the rat snakes. While some colubrids — like the African boomslang — carry dangerous venoms, you'll be happy to know rat snakes don't.


2. Old World and New World Rat Snakes Are Different

"New World" rat snakes dwell in North America, where they're distributed fromcoast to coast, and from Mexico to Canada. Commonly sighted in barns, the reptiles can grow rather large: An eastern rat snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) measuring around 8.4 feet (2.6 meters) long was oncedocumentedin Massachusetts.

Not to be outdone, theOriental rat snake(Ptyas mucosa) of southern Asia grows up to 9.8 feet (3 meters) in length. Also called the dhaman, it's one of the better-known "Old World" rat snakes.


A2007 studyargued that the common ancestors of all living rat snakes — in both hemispheres — probably evolved over 34 million years ago somewhere in tropical Asia. However,genetic datashows that New World species are more closely related to kingsnakes (another group of American colubrids) than to Old World rat snakes. Experts are still grappling with their affiliations today.

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Rat snakes, like this black rat snake (Pantherophis obsoletus), are found found in Eurasia and North America.
Callista Images/Getty Images


3. The Corn Snake Is a Popular Pet

Ah, thecorn snake(Pantherophis guttatus). An all-American rat snake, this colorful critter occupies New Jersey, Kentucky, Florida, the Gulf Coast and plenty of spots in between. Wild "corns" usually incorporate shades of orange, yellow and brown into their color schemes — with some adorable checkering on the belly. But in captivity, it's another story.

Corn snakes are docile, reasonably sized and easily cared for. Because of all this, they're a go-to beginner's species for novice reptile-keepers.


Breeders have developedmore than 800 different color morphs, including many you'd probably never see in the wild. Just know that while "normal-looking" corns come cheap, some of the rarer breeds may cost $1,000 or more — each.

4. The King Cobra Is a Rat Snake Killer

能够杀死一头大象with one bite, the 10- to 18-foot (3- to 5.4-meter)king cobrais the longest venomous snake alive. The monarch feeds on its brethren: King cobras specialize in devouring smaller snakes. Old World rat snakes, including dhamans, are among its regular targets.


5. Rat Snakes Scare Predators With "Buzzing" Sounds

Through frequent sheds, rattlesnakes develop a series of interlocking "rattles" on their tails. When shaken, they emit a threatening "buzz" that tells other animals to stay away from the venomous reptiles.

New World rat snakes — such aswild cornsand thewestern rat snake(Pantherophis obsoletus) — sometimes play copycat. To keep predators at bay, they vibrate their tails against dry grasses or leaf piles. The resultant buzzing noise makes them sound like genuine rattlesnakes, which gives attackers pause. Deception can be a matter of life and death out in the wild.


6. Rhinoceros Rat Snakes Have "Horns"

Full-grownrhinoceros rat snakesare naturally bluish-green. The Asian reptiles stand out — to animal-lovers, at least — because of the weird, scaly appendages that protrude from the tips of their snouts. Superficially, these things look a bit like rhino horns, but their function is unclear.

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Rhinoceros rat snakes, (Rhyncophis boulengeri) are native to areas around Northern Vietnam and Southern China.
Joe McDonald/Getty Images


7. Rat Snakes Lay Eggs

Garters,northern water snakesand a few other colubrids give birth to live young. Rat snakes are a bit more conventional, laying eggs in clutches of nine to 20 (depending on the species).


8. They Constrict

Besides rodents, many rat snakes will eat lizards and amphibians, particularly when the snakes are young. Birds are fair game too; in North America, the eastern rat snake (Pantherophis alleghaniensis) is a notoriousraider of bird housesthat can make an easy meal out of eggs, chicks or both. Like a lot of nonvenomous serpents — and a few venomous ones, besides — rat snakesconstricttheir prey.


9. The "Beauty Snake" Eats Bats

And it's exactly as advertised. Native to China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam and other parts of southern Asia, thebeauty snake(Elaphe taeniura) is a slender animal with olive to yellow scales underlain by darker patches.

Capable of growing 8 feet (2.4 meters) long, it's found in rainforests as well as caves (where the speciesgobbles up wild bats). Reptile hobbyists all over the world now keep these guys, which feed readily and make attractive captives.


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The Taiwan beauty snake (Elaphe taeniura friesi) is found in rainforests, as well as caves.
Paul Starosta/Getty Images

10. Rat Snakes Benefit Farmers

Left unchecked, rats and other rodents can devastate crops while inflictingstructural damageon the barns they hole up in. By keeping the mammals in check, native rat snakes perform a great service for farming communities. As a nice bonus, their appetites can slow down the spread of harmfuldiseasesrodents carry.

