Skin Care

Skin care is a broad term that refers to everything from hygiene to anti-aging regimens. Learn more about skin care at HowStuffWorks.

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Tattoos used to be taboo. But today nearly one in three people has one. And some people are getting them for reasons other than to decorate their bodies.

ByDebra Ronca&Sarah Gleim

Hair looking dull and limp lately? Instead of heading to the beauty aisle in search of a new product, you might consider cracking open a brew.

ByLaurie L. Dove

Raising your arms: It's such a simple gesture but one you may be reluctant to do if your underarms are all dark and splotchy. Are whitening creams the solution to your undercover issue?

ByMeisa Salaita


While body odor is most often caused by sweating, there are a whole mess of other things that can make you smell. You can reek of rotten fish or warm baked bread. Either way, those odors are a sign of something amiss.

ByPatrick J. Kiger

Do hairy people sweat more than the hairless? It might seem that way, but ignore the hype and look at the science, particularly when it comes to underarms.

ByLaurie L. Dove

Yuck! If your workout clothes smell stinky, it might not just be because you're sweating. It can also have to do with what kind of material you are wearing. Surprisingly, natural does not always mean "breathable."

ByLaurie L. Dove

Concerns about underarm appearance are causing a lot of anxiety for many people. Check out these tips to beautify the skin you may have been neglecting.

ByMaria Trimarchi


Hairy humans have been obsessing over the coarse matter of shaving for decades. So does the time-honored razor ritual make for thicker, gleaming, streaming hair?

ByJohn Perritano

You slather it on every day, but what's really in your face moisturizer? We teach you the ingredients in face moisturizers that can give you youthful skin

By Abigail Libers

Combination skin can be oily in some areas by dry in others, making moisturizing and cleansing a problem. Learn how to treat combination skin.

By Abigail Libers

Having a cold is brutal on your skin. Getting a chapped nose can be painful, so follow our tips for treating a chapped nose.

By Abigail Libers


Jojoba oil can be used on your skin and hair and may even help with acne. Learn the many ways that jojoba oil can benefit your skin.

By Abigail Libers

乳木果的好处是众所周知的和接受by dermatolgists and beauty fiends. But does what are shea butter's benefits for your face?

By Abigail Libers

There are many ways to reduce puffiness in your face, but first you have to determine the cause. Learn how moisturizer can reduce puffiness.

ByAmanda MacMillan

It's not always easy finding moisturizers for combination skin. But they are out there. You just know what to look for.

By Jennifer Cohen


Petroleum-based moisturizers are safe to use and inexpensive. But is it good for sensitive skins? Learn the pros and cons of petroleum-based moisturizers.

ByDiana Kelly

Moisturizers, like any other beauty product, have a shelf life. Learn how long moisturizer stays good and when you should get a new one.

ByDiana Kelly

Peptides can be great for your skin, especially when they're in your face cream. Learn why peptides are a must-have for glowing skin

ByDiana Kelly

If you have fair skin, it's smart to wear both sunscreen and moisturizer. But which do you put on first? Use this order to apply sunscreen and moisturizer

By Jennifer Cohen


The best face cleansers are the ones that benefit your skin, whether it's sensitive, oily or dry. Learn how to choose the best face cleanser for your skin

ByDiana Kelly

Skin on your face and skin on your body are very different. Learn how they vary and the best ways to get healthy skin on your face and your body

ByDiana Kelly

An important nutrient for your body, zinc is also great for your skin. Learn all the wonderful ways zinc works for your skin.

By Jennifer Cohen

Breakfasts foods can be great for your skin. They're delicious and rich in wrinkle-fighting nutrients. Whip up these AM foods for healthy skin.

ByAmanda MacMillan


There are plenty of at-home microdermabrasion products, but do they really work? We'll give you the pros and cons of at-home microdermabrasion products

By Jennifer Cohen

Dry skin on your feet is a fashion faux pas, especially during sandal season. Remove dry skin on your feet with our moisturizing tips.

ByDiana Kelly