What If You Fall From an Airplane Without a Parachute?

By:Sarah Gleim|
man falling no parachute
Imagine falling from an airplane with no parachute. Would you know what to do to survive?zetwe/Shutterstock

Flying is by far the safest mode of transportation. It's far safer than driving, anyway. Your odds of dying in a car accident in 2020 were aboutone in 101. But there were so few passenger airline accidents in 2020, the National Safety Council couldn't even calculatethe odds you'd die in one.

But still airplane disasters happen. Imagine if you fell from an airplane, and even worse, you weren't wearing aparachute? Would you know what to do?


For starters, you wouldn't have much time. If you fall from a plane at 12,000 feet (about 2 miles or 3.6 kilometers up), you'll have less than a minute before you hit the ground. That's because in freefall, you plummet at about120 miles per hour(193 kilometers per hour). At that speed, you drop about 175 feet (53 meters) per second!

First, try not to panic. We know. It's silly to even suggest, but it's important. From that high altitude, panic could cause you toblack outfrom lack of oxygen, and you'll lose precious time. Because you need all the time you have to look for water. If you locate some, steer yourself toward it if you can.

Assuming you've reachedterminal velocity— the maximum falling speed — it won't feel good impacting water, but you still could survive if it's deep. Try to hit the waterhead or feet firstto minimize your body's surface area that will take the brunt of the force of impact.

If you don't see any water, you need to look for another soft-landing spot, something like a haystack, large area of bushes, a snow drift or even a marsh. These all provide better options than concrete airport tarmacs. Evengrass and soilare preferable to a patch of trees, which could impale and kill you.

If you're falling in an urban area, try to steer clear of high-tension wires and buildings, and aim for structures with roofs that crumple, like RVs, mobile homes or truck trailers — if possible, of course. These aren't extremely strong, so when — or if — you hit them, they'll hopefully absorb some of the energy of the fall.

None of these options is ideal. And while there have been many people who havesurvived falling from airplaneswithout parachutes, trust us, you do not want to be one of them.


Fall Out of Airplane FAQ

Would you die before you hit the ground?
No. When you fall from a great height, you die due to the damage caused to your body by the sudden deceleration when you hit the ground. If you jumped from high enough, you could possibly die due to a lack of oxygen or a heart attack before you ever hit the ground.
What happens if you fall out of an airplane?
If you fall from an airplane that’s high enough in the sky, at one point, you will stop accelerating. This is called terminal velocity and you will stay at this speed until you hit the ground.
The Guinness Book of World Records highlights a Serbian flight attendant, Vesna Vulovic, who survived a fall of over 30,000 feet when her plane crashed in 1970.
How far can a human fall and not die?
Medical studies show that people are likely to die after hitting the ground from four stories (48 feet) high. Any distance shorter than this leaves the person with a chance of surviving.
Can you survive a 1,000-foot fall?
It is highly unlikely for you to survive a 1,000-foot fall. From that height, all your bones would break, and your internal organs would be crushed, leaving you with no chance of survival.

