Phones, Cell Phones & Wireless Telephony

Telecommunications devices, including cell phones, satellite radio or Voice over IP, connect us to one another and to the world of information at our fingertips. Learn all about the technologies we depend upon for efficient communication.

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To reset your iPhone, hold down the Sleep/Wake button along with the Home button, for at least 10 seconds. Learn how to reset your iPhone from this article. Contributors

Some cell phones can double as a modem for your computer. Learn how to use your cell phone as a modem in this article. Contributors

Advances in digital technology enable some cell phones to function much like a mini PC. Learn if there is a combination tablet PC-phone on the market in this article. Contributors


It seems like everyone has a home phone, a cell phone and a work phone. Why can't someone call you at one number that reaches you no matter where you are?

ByJosh Briggs

时间管理是一门科学and art. But can a few simple iPhone time management apps really help you make better use of your time?

ByEric Baxter

在你的家庭电话、手机和你的工作phone, do you ever feel like you have too many phone numbers? Wouldn't it be nice if you could simply have one phone that worked everywhere?

ByChris Landers

Smartphones and social networking let us plan spontaneous meetups and discover new people. But do they also make us vulnerable to surveillance?

ByStephanie Crawford&Talon Homer


When it comes to your cell phone, your biggest concerns may be losing it or going over your minutes. But should you be concerned that it may be a sperm killer?

ByCristen Conger

There are thousands of apps for the iPhone, and they let you do everything from play games to keep up with stock prices. Some of them are real head-scratchers, though. Do you use any of these weird apps?

ByPeter May

The Verizon Hub is like a home phone, smartphone, computer and TV all rolled into one. Will this device revolutionize the way we communicate?

ByJonathan Strickland

You don't see many cell phones advertised for older adults. If they want a mobile phone at all, they generally want something simple. Which one should you pick for your grandmother?

ByJonathan Strickland


Cell phones are more than just a communication convenience. They're also a fashion statement packed with technology. See the latest cell phones and how they're used in this cell phone image gallery.

You're ready to cut your land line phone service, but you're not sure your cell phone can work as your main phone line. The Dock-N-Talk turns your home phone into an extension of your cell phone. Problem solved.

ByTiffany Connors

Have you ever been the victim of a bluejacking? It happens every day to people just like you. So the question is this: Did you bluejack them right back?

ByJohn Fuller

Is anyone watching you now? If you have Bluetooth enabled on your smartphone, someone might know exactly where you are.

ByJohn Fuller&Chris Pollette


New technology is helping us cut down on the amount of stuff we have to carry with us. Soon you'll be able to buy things with your cell phone.

ByDiane Dannenfeldt

When was the last time you called someone besides your parents and got a busy signal? Two-line phones and other telecom technology are making that annoying signal disappear.

ByJennifer Horton

Hearing-impaired telephones helped the hearing-impaired communicate by telephone. Learn more about hearing-impaired telephones in this article.

ByDiane Dannenfeldt

Do you like to talk on the phone in your underwear? Well, you'll need to quit that habit if you buy a video conferencing cell phone. The person on the other end can see you.

ByJane McGrath


With better technology, personal digital assistants, or PDAs, get better at helping us organize our lives. But is that really a good thing?

ByJohn Fuller

Brrrrring. You sprint for the phone only to be rewarded with a caller who tells you that you won a free trip to Orlando. Only it's not free. And it's the seventh time he's called this week.

ByJennifer Horton

Snap, crackle, pop. Is that what your breakfast cereal or your phone sounds like? If it's your phone, you may to try some of these tricks for finding and fixing the problem.

ByJennifer Horton

With wireless technology like cell phones, GPS receivers and SMS messages, authorities can be notified instantly of crimes. But is the technology helping or just alerting?

ByJennifer Horton


ILECs are local U.S. telephone companies that were involved in the 1980's breakup of AT&T. Learn more about ILECs in this article.

ByDave Roos

Toll-free numbers are free for callers, making them ideal for businesses. Learn how toll-free numbers work in this article.

ByDavid Baez