Phones, Cell Phones & Wireless Telephony

Telecommunications devices, including cell phones, satellite radio or Voice over IP, connect us to one another and to the world of information at our fingertips. Learn all about the technologies we depend upon for efficient communication.

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Is your texting app taking a little longer to open, not responding well to typing or won't send texts quickly? You might have way too many old text messages hanging around.

ByChristopher Neiger

Protecting a smartphone with a case is a no-brainer for a lot of phone owners. Others, however, don't think smartphone case protection is all it's cracked up to be.

ByJamie Page Deaton

Smartphones can get a little hot when they're engaging in some heavy activity. But can that and their owners' exercise push them over the edge and make them overheat?

ByMelanie Radzicki McManus


You may use your iPhone for everything from paying for groceries to helping you with your taxes, but it can also help you when you're out boating. Hurricane warnings? Yeah, there's an app for that.

ByLinda C. Brinson

These days, smartphones are mini computing devices that suck up power like nobody's business. Are battery-saving apps the cure for power-hungry phones?

ByNathan Chandler

Unlike conventional gadgetry, fuel-cell-powered devices run on a liquid fuel that you pour into a tank. Would people really be willing to adopt the technology, and isn't there a risk of spilling fuel?

ByJonathan Strickland

That certainly is a cute picture of your pup. Thanks to file-sharing apps like Dropbox, you can bust that photo out on even more mobile devices. Your co-workers and friends are going to be thrilled!

ByRobert Lamb


Remember when you used to keep friends and family updated during your travels by dropping postcards in the mail with a hastily scribbled "Wish you were here!" Now, you can do just that just by using your iPhone.

ByLinda C. Brinson

They say you can't get something for nothing, which is why free-texting apps seem like they'd have to be a scam. But are they?

ByPatrick J. Kiger

Rooting allows you to tweak your Android smartphone settings to your heart's desire, via apps. We'll share 10 of our favorites with you in this article.

ByNathan Chandler

Social networks have cropped up to fill almost any and every niche market, and singles hoping to flirt and connect with other singles drive a number of them. But is it dangerous to use dating networks?

ByWesley Fenlon


What if you could send a postcard that talks? Or maybe even sings? With the help of your iPhone and this app, it's possible.

ByPatrick J. Kiger

Wait, this tiny little chip could rock your world? Yep. Puny as it might seem, this up-and-coming technology has the potential to streamline aspects of your daily life, from purchases to passwords.

ByNathan Chandler

NFC tags are smart little chips that allow you to snag digital information with your smartphone at short range. Get the details on this tag technology in this article.

ByNathan Chandler

These days, more people are glued to their mobile devices -- and increasingly impatient about slow download speeds. 4G networks promise to deliver all the speedy data we could wish for, but do they?

ByNathan Chandler


RFID, NFC ... If these wireless technology acronyms are starting to look like alphabet soup to you, have no fear. We'll help you spot the differences between these communications cousins.

ByNathan Chandler

Sharing photos or business cards by tapping phones together seems pretty nifty, but is this tech really safe? Find out in this article.

ByNathan Chandler

Regular wallets are sooooo 2012. Could their digital doppelgangers be just around the corner?

ByNathan Chandler

厌倦了带着钱包满of cards and a full ring of keys? Before long, you might be able to keep all of that stuff in your phone. How is it possible, and is your information safe in your phone?

ByJonathan Strickland


当我们想到环保电池phones, typically the first things that come to mind are their energy efficiency, the elimination of toxins in their manufacturing, their recyclability, or even what green apps we use. Learn more about how much radiation does your cell phone emit.

ByJaymi Heimbuch

Cordless phones have been around awhile, but have you ever looked inside of one? See the next few pages as we take apart this cordless phone.

A cell-phone tower is typically a steel pole or lattice structure that rises hundreds of feet into the air. Take a look at these pictures to learn more how cell phone towers work.

Taking our music everywhere with us has become a way of life. But what music apps are the best for your mobile device?

ByJohn Kelly


While we'd never advocate using your cell phone in the theater, we do love a bunch of apps geared at movie maniacs. Here are 10.

ByNicholas Gerbis

The Google mobile phone app was designed to make life just a little bit easier, and its functionality doesn't disappoint.

BySara Elliott