
Pets make wonderful companions. Learn how to take care of pets, read about common pet behavior issues and injuries and pick up general pet care tips.

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Hermit crabs are easy to care for as pets if you provide them with all the essentials they need. And that includes shells for their growing bodies.

ByMark Mancini

Some of us get it, some of us don't – the scourge of so many nature lovers everywhere – but did you know that our four-legged friends are also susceptible to the three-leaved menace?

ByPatty Rasmussen

All dogs have anal glands that serve multiple functions. The problem is they can also get blocked or infected, and even leak, which is really disgusting if you're a human.

ByKristen Hall-Geisler


The xoloitzcuintli is one of the most ancient of dog breeds and even was considered as a symbolic guide to the underworld by the ancient Aztec and Mayan civilizations.

ByWendy Bowman

Colorful, flashy betta fish are common as pets. But many owners are unaware of how to properly care for them.

ByMelanie Radzicki McManus

If you run out of your dog's food, can you just feed him your cat's food? And what about your cat? Is it OK to give him dog food?

ByMeg Sparwath

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes. And a few breeds stand out for being, well, exceptionally huge. But what is the biggest dog in the world?

BySharise Cunningham


At between 120 and 170 pounds, you might expect the massive Leonberger to be aggressive and hard to handle — turns out, they're intelligent, gentle and sensitive family dogs.

ByWendy Bowman

所有的狗需要洗澡。但是多长时间?And can you bathe them too much?

ByMeg Sparwath

The ragdoll habit of turning floppy in their owners' arms is one of the breed's most endearing trademarks. And those eyes ...

ByMark Mancini

It's one of your worst nightmares. Your dog isn't breathing and you can't find his pulse. Do you know what to do to save his life?

ByWendy Bowman


Retractable leashes, martingale collars, slip leads, harnesses, choke chains – this dog walking business is way more complicated than you thought. So, with all the options out there, what is the best way to leash your dog?

ByPatty Rasmussen

A hybrid cross between a small Asian leopard cat and a domestic cat, the Bengal cat will keep you busy with its intelligence and active personality. It may even shower with you.

ByMark Mancini

The way to a dog's heart is definitely through a belly rub, but just touching a cat's belly will probably get you a back-leg rabbit kick and a painful vise of teeth and claws.

ByLaurie L. Dove

Goldfish may seem like an easy starter pet, but they do require some basic care so they don't end up in the toilet a few weeks later! We talk with an expert about the three steps every goldfish owner should take.

ByAlia Hoyt


What do you get when you mix a domestic cat with a wild African serval cat? You get a Savannah cat, which turns out to be a very beautiful but very controversial kitty.

ByMark Mancini

The Maine Coon and the Norwegian Forest are both plus-size breeds of cat, but what are the differences between these feline behemoths?

ByMark Mancini

The belly button is pretty obvious on a human. But what about a dog? Do they have one and if so, where in the world is it?

ByMeg Sparwath

Any dog lover with allergies knows that the two just don't mix. So which dog breeds are best if you're allergic and still want a four-legged friend?

ByStephanie Vermillion


Persians are famous for their long hair and snub noses. But this is no aloof kitty – they're so friendly, breeders refer to them as "dog cats."

ByDave Roos

Affectionate and haughty at the same time, the Siamese cat exudes an air of mystery. But it still loves to follow you around.

ByMark Mancini

According to some sources, Lewis Carroll based the smiling Cheshire Cat from his 1865 novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" on the British Shorthair.

ByMark Mancini

There are two types of huskies and they both look an awful lot like malamutes, so it's no wonder people can't tell them apart.

ByTara Yarlagadda


The most remarkable feature of a Munchkin cat is its short legs, though most litters have both normal-legged kittens and short-legged kittens.

ByLaurie L. Dove

Be prepared to ferret-proof your house! These guys are smart and creative little explorers requiring serious adult supervision.

ByMeg Sparwath