Ragdoll Cats Are the Floppiest, Friendliest Felines Around

Ragdoll cat
Ragdolls are large, laid-back, semi long-haired cats that are known to go limp in the arms of love.Cyndi Monaghan/Getty Images

With more than600 member clubs它的名字,猫爱好者协会(CFA)我s a huge player in the wide, wide world of hardcore feline enthusiasts. Founded in 1906, the organization licenses hundreds of pet shows and keeps a seriously impressive research library. But above all else, the CFA is noted for being the largest pedigreed cat registry in the known universe.

It also chronicles industrywide trends. The CFA draws upon its own registration data to create an annual "Most Popular Breeds" list for the preceding year. While the 2020 and 2019 editions haven't been published yet, the 2018 results are in — and you'll never guess which housecat variant topped that list.


Was it the beguilingSiamese cat? Nope. The vociferousBritish shorthair, per chance? Negative. Instead, the CFA's most frequently registered cat breed of 2018 was a lovable critter known as the "ragdoll" cat. You might call it one of the new kids on the block. Unlike certain competitors witharguably ancient pedigrees, ragdolls are a modern invention.

Josephine's Progeny

Our tale begins in the 1960s. Early in the decade, Ann Baker — a resident of Riverside, California — bred a white angora cat named Josephine with a male feline who resembled aBirman. (That's a long-haired breed renowned for its full face and deep blue eyes.)

Three of the resulting kittens would go on to help Baker establish an all-new breed, later dubbed the ragdoll.


At one point in her life, poor Josephine had been hit by a car. She survived, but Baker claimed the accident changed the cat's genetic makeup — and had a physiological effect on her future kittens. Healthy though they were, these little animals would go limp when held, not unlike a stuffed animal or Raggedy Ann doll.

Scientifically, there's no reason to think Josephine's vehicular collision influenced the behavior (or genetics) of as-yet unborn kittens. Still, this habit of turning floppy in their owners' arms became one of the ragdoll breed's most endearing trademarks.

Like the aforementioned Siamese cats, ragdolls are "pointed." In other words, they've got tails, faces and (occasionally) feet that look darker than the rest of the body. As for the coat itself, the cat's long, silky fur invites comparisons to super-softrabbit pelts.

Another key feature is the ragdoll's big blue eyes. Oval-shaped and slightly slanted, these peepers can be pale, dark or anyshadein between — but they're always striking.


Gentle Giants

According to the CFA, female ragdolls weigh about 10 to 15 pounds (4.5 to 6.8 kilograms) while the males can hit 20 pounds (9 kilograms) after reaching maturity. So, by feline standards, ragdolls are bona fide heavy weights.

The good news is these heftyhousecatsare famously laid-back. Ragdolls enjoy meeting new people and seldom exhibit aggression. When you adopt one, you'll probably wind up with a furry shadow: These amicable beasties love to follow their owners around. Being gentle, playful and somewhat extroverted, they do well with kids. And unless it's mealtime, you'll seldom hear onevocalize.


To prevent knots and tangles from appearing in the fur, owners are encouraged to groom their ragdolls on the regular. Speaking of supplies, this breed loves toys — especially small, throwable numbers they can play fetch with.

One thing you'll need to watch out for is the onset ofhypertrophic cardiomyopathy, a heart disease that often affects ragdolls. Breeders are now making efforts to minimize the spread of this malady infuture generationsof cats.

Ragdoll cat
Ragdoll cats are known for their blue eyes and gentle demeanor.


Cats and Celebrities

The ragdoll's merits weren't lost on Baker. An astute businesswoman, she had the name "ragdoll" trademarked and set up an international registry exclusively for this new breed. By the mid-1980s, the cats had crossed the pond, where they quickly endeared themselves toBritishpet-owners. Meanwhile, the CFA has beenregisteringragdolls since 1993, and it fully recognized the breed in the year 2000.

Baker died in 1997; after her death, the naming trademark was allowed toexpire. Though Baker is no longer with us, the breed she developed is still going strong. Singer/songwriter Taylor Swift adopted aragdoll kittenin 2019. And speaking of celebrities, Grumpy Cat —a world-famous catwhose face launched countless internet memes along with a merchandising empire — might've beenpart ragdoll(according to her owners).


Then there was the strange case of "Frank and Louie." Born in 1999, he was a purebred ragdoll with one body andtwo faces. He had twin sets of noses and mouths, along with three eyeballs (though the central one didn't work). Despite all this, Frank and Louie only possessed a single brain. Such two-faced felines are known as "Janus cats," and they're the victims of an exceedingly rare genetic disorder.

Yet while most Janus cats die young, Frank and Louie lived to the ripe old age of 15, setting aGuinness World Recordin the process.


