
Cats can make great pets and companions. Learn how to take care of cats, from everyday basic tips to cat behavior issues to cat injury treatments.

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Scratching is a normal feline behavior. That's why many experts advise against putting your cat through a painful and unnecessary declawing procedure.

ByJohn Perritano

Some Sphynx cats may look like mangled bags of brains, but these so-ugly-they're-cute-cats are among the friendliest of felines.

ByJohn Perritano

美国猫从业者协会wants you to know there's a better way to feed your kitty than just filling his bowl and leaving him to gorge as he pleases.

ByJohn Perritano


If it wasn't for Tesla's cat, we might not have electricity in our homes.

ByMelanie Radzicki McManus

Is your cat pawing its food out of its bowl to eat and you can't figure out why? No, it's not being haughty, as usual — it might actually be stressed.

ByKate Kershner

Cats love to chase the little red dot of light, but why? Can't they tell it's not prey? And is it making them crazy, as some vets fear?

ByJesslyn Shields

Cats don't just lie on your sofa looking sulky. Some have authored scientific papers, discovered continents and entered politics. Read on to see what we mean.

ByMelanie Radzicki McManus


A new report shows the benefits of using food puzzles with indoor cats. Here's how to make your own.

ByMelanie Radzicki McManus

Counting the number of housecats around the world is about as difficult as, well, herding cats. In fact, estimates of global cat population vary... by millions.

ByKaren Kirkpatrick

Your cat may gaze longingly at your bowl of cereal each morning, but here's why it's not really OK for cats to drink milk.

ByBambi Turner

The black cat superstition began with the rise of Christianity in Europe as one pope proclaimed black cats to be an incarnation of the devil.

ByBambi Turner


While cats can pose a potential danger to a sleeping baby, most of the risk is due to accidental suffocation not from cats stealing babies' breath.

ByBambi Turner

It can be hard for cat-lovers to resist feeding local strays, but these feral creatures may spread dangerous diseases, including rabies.

ByBambi Turner

的主要原因之一猫获得阿迪普的放弃tion is for continually relieving outside the litter box. But they may be avoiding it for good reason – and there are some simple ways to reverse the problem.

ByLaurie L. Dove

Think you can't train a cat? Think again. Cats of any age can learn to do tricks, and the training will strengthen your bond with your feline friend.

ByMaria Trimarchi


Cats are often frightened when they are injured. Therefore, approaching your cat carefully is the key, even if the animal is normally docile. Learn how to approach an injured cat.

BySheldon Rubin

Restraining an injured cat is a great technique to learn to help your pet. How you approach the cat depends on whether he or she is cooperative or uncooperative. Learn to restrain an injured cat.

BySheldon Rubin

Cat care includes tending to your pet when it is injured. The cat can be transported held in your arms or placed in a box or on a stretcher. Learn to transport an injured cat.

BySheldon Rubin

Dealing with a cat with an abscess can be difficult since it's not always clear what's wrong. Symptoms to watch for include a foul-smelling discharge and lethargy. Learn how to initially treat a cat with an abscess.

BySheldon Rubin


Administering oral medication is important when tending to your sick cat. Cats don't like taking medicines any more than children do. Learn how to administer oral medications to your cat.

BySheldon Rubin

When cats interact with other animals, sometimes they are bitten. If your cat suffers an animal bite, tend to the wound right away for proper cat care. Learn to treat your cat's animal bite.

BySheldon Rubin

When your cat is bleeding, there are steps to take to provide excellent cat care. How you care for the bleeding depends on its location. Learn about how to stop your cat from bleeding.

BySheldon Rubin

In cat care, you never know when you might have to deal with a broken leg. Broken cat legs are tricky to diagnose. Learn how to identify and treat a cat with a broken leg.

BySheldon Rubin


Cats can be curious creatures, so knowing how to treat burns is an important part of cat care. It's important to know the warning signs. Learn how to treat a cat that is burned.

BySheldon Rubin

Choking is life threatening for your cat. The harder the cat tries to breathe, the more panicky he or she can become. Learn the warning signs and how to save a choking cat.

BySheldon Rubin