Aquarium Fish

Aquarium fish can differ from their counterparts in oceans and streams and owners should be aware. Learn about some common and not so common aquarium fish, such as the Egyptian Mouthbrooder, Penguin Fish, and Tiger Barb.

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Colorful, flashy betta fish are common as pets. But many owners are unaware of how to properly care for them.


Goldfish may seem like an easy starter pet, but they do require some basic care so they don't end up in the toilet a few weeks later! We talk with an expert about the three steps every goldfish owner should take.

ByAlia Hoyt

Elephants never forget. Crows remember human faces and tell other crows who can be trusted. But goldfish? Well, let's just say they're not known for having particularly strong memories. But if recent studies are to be believed, maybe they should be.

ByKate Kershner


If you'd like to keep an amphibian as a pet, you'll have to learn how to set up a tank for amphibians. Learn how to set up a tank for amphibians in this article. Contributors

Unsure of which fish to buy for your aquarium? See some candidates of typical aquarium fish to help narrow down your options in this gallery.

ByMarie Bobel

Choosing the right fish for a freshwater aquarium depends on a number of factors, including the tank's size, the fish's diet, and more. Our fish profiles will allow you to select the perfect blend of fish, no matter how large or small your aquarium.

Bythe Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Simply put, fish don't like a dirty home any more than we humans do! Follow the tips in this article to keep your aquarium clean and cozy for your fish.

Bythe Editors of Publications International, Ltd.


If you've ever had a pet fish that died quickly, you may be surprised to learn that the normal lifespan of most aquarium fish is measured in years! Find out how to keep your fish alive and well in this article.

Bythe Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

通常,业余爱好者发现自己离开宠物停止re with a fish that they just couldn't pass up without having any idea what it eats, how large it gets, or if it has any unusual care requirements. While it is always fun to acquire a new fish, doing it haphazardly can be disastrous and costly.

Bythe Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Before you bring an aquarium home to house your new fishy friends, you'll need to know how they work, how to shop for one, and how to maintain your aquarium. Read this article to learn the basic steps to creating your aquarium.

Bythe Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

From design, to water filtration to the proper plants, there's a lot to know in order to set up a vibrant aquarium that will keep your fish healthy and happy. This article provides tips and advice on the many issues you'll face and the equipment you'll need to address them.

Bythe Editors of Publications International, Ltd.


Knowing how to set up an aquarium is vital to the survival of your freshwater fish. Learn the important initial steps of how to set up an aquarium.

Bythe Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

Did you know that the type of water in your aquarium can affect how the cardinal tetra looks? Learn how to make this dazzling fish feel and look its best.

Bythe Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

The head and tail light tetra, also referred to as the beaconfish, races around the aquarium autobahn. Find a profile of the head and tail light tetra.

Bythe Editors of Publications International, Ltd.

The x-ray tetra is an excellent freshwater fish for first-time fish owners. Read about and see a picture of the fast-swimming x-ray tetra.

Bythe Editors of Publications International, Ltd.