How Much Is the IRS Underpayment Penalty?

By: Susan Sherwood
Payment under magnifying glass
Most taxpayers have their employers deduct taxes from their wages. But if you're self-employed and you don't pay enough quarterly estimated taxes, you can get hit with a penalty.SEAN GLADWELL/Getty Images

AsBenjamin Franklinfamously observed in 1789, "In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." For most people,federal taxesare still a certainty. One thing that is uncertain is what happens if you underpay your taxes.

Of course you'll have to shell out the full amount, but you also may be required to pay a penalty. The amount you'll be fined is based on how much you owe and how long you've owed it. The typical penalty is 0.5 percent of the total amount you owe calculated for each month you haven't paid it [source:Bankrate].


Most taxpayers have their employers deduct taxes from their wages. A worker fills out a W-4 form, and the employer uses it to determine the employee's tax withholdings. Some taxpayers, such as the self-employed, have incomes that do not lend themselves to withholding, so they must pay quarterly estimated taxes. If taxpayers figure either of these methods inaccurately, penalties may accumulate.

The IRS provides underpaying taxpayers with Form 2210. On it, you first determine what you owe, and then compare it to what the IRS has already received. You then subtract any withholdings, payments and taxes. You may be required to pay a penalty on an outstanding amount.

Taxpayers who have underpaid are not always penalized. For example, although you must pay the full amount of taxes due, the penalty is waived if your total tax is less than $1,000; if you did not owe taxes the previous year; if you paid at least 90 percent of what you owe or if the unpaid taxes amount to less than $1,000 [source:IRS]. Penalties are also waived if the problem arose because of special circumstances, such as a natural disaster. People who are retired or have disabilities may also have the penalty forgiven.

If you don't file your tax returns on time (in addition to not paying your taxes), there is a separate penalty. Starting in the second quarter of 2018, the interest rate moved to 5 percent per month, from 4 percent [source: Tax Knowledge Center]. But the maximum penalty in any one month is 5 percent, rather than 5.5 percent, which is what it should be if you added the nonfiling penalty to the nonpayment penalty. If you don't file nor pay for more than 5 months, the nonfiling penalty maxes out at 25 percent, but the monthly penalty for not paying (0.5 percent) will still continue to accrue [source:Bankrate].

The IRS seems to understand that, in some situations, guesstimating the amount of taxes you must pay is a tricky business. However, with potential penalties and interest fees, your safest bet is to do your best to assess your tax liability before it's due.


IRS Underpayment Penalty FAQ

What happens if I file my taxes late and I am due a refund?
If you file your taxes late, you risk losing your refund completely. You have to file your taxes within three years in order to claim any refunds you're owed; otherwise, you'll forfeit the funds.
How can I avoid an IRS underpayment penalty?
IRS underpayment penalties happen when you fail to pay enough in taxes throughout the year, either through withholding or estimated tax payments. You can typically avoid an underpayment penalty if you owe less than $1,000 in taxes or if you've paid at least 90 percent of your owed taxes for the current year or 100 percent of your owed taxes for the previous year through withholding or estimated tax payments.
Do I need to file Form 2210?
You only need to file IRS Form 2210 if you think you might owe a penalty for underpaying your estimated taxes for the year. However, even if you aren't sure, you don't have to file this form. The IRS will typically figure out your penalty for you. If you want to get ahead of any owed penalties, you can use Form 2210 to figure your penalty and include that penalty on your return if you'd like.
Is there a penalty for underpaying taxes?
Yes, there is a penalty for those who underpay their taxes. It's a good idea to make sure you're paying taxes either through withholding or by making estimated tax payments throughout the year.
你要多久file late taxes?
You must file your taxes within three years. If you don't do so, you face losing any refund you might be owed. Remember, any taxes you might owe also collect interest and late fees too.

Lots More Information

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  • Bartleby. com. "Benjamin Franklin." 2014. (Oct. 23, 2014)
  • Intuit. "Federal IRS Underpayment Interest Rates." (Oct. 23, 2014)
  • 国税局。"Estimated Taxes." September 19, 2014. (Oct. 23, 2014)
  • 国税局。"Topic 306 - Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Tax." June 18, 2014. (Oct. 23, 2014)
  • 国税局。"Underpayment of Estimated Tax by Individuals, Estates, and Trusts."
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  • TaxAct. "How IRS Interest Rates Work." 2014. (Oct. 23, 2014)

