
A dollar here, a dollar there ... it all counts. Whether it's learning to drive economically, handling your bonds or building a strategy to be a millionaire, we've got information in our Budgeting channel.

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Nobody wants to spend a fortune to sit in a cramped airline seat for hours. How can you work the system to scrimp on your flight?

ByClint Pumphrey

If you're lucky enough to be sitting on piles of money, can you stash all that cash in a savings account or is there a limit? We've got the answer for you in this article, moneybags.

ByNathan Chandler

While front-load washers may be more expensive at the outset, the money they save in the long run will far outweigh any up-front costs.

BySara Elliott


Turning off your lamps isn't the only way cut your lighting bill.

ByJohn Perritano

与人们试图打破房间都满溢的save some cash during the lunch hour -- but exactly how much might they be saving by packing their own lunches?

ByJulia Layton

Perhaps you don't want to hitchhike a la Kerouac's "On the Road," but you still would like to save some doe. How can you road-trip in the cheapest way possible?

ByGarth Sundem

Traveling is bound to be more expensive than staying home, but hidden costs can ruin your adventure. How can you expect the financial unexpected?

ByMatt Cunningham


Whether they're quoting "Reservoir Dogs" or "The Princess Bride," movie buffs know the dialogue of their favorite movies by heart. But with theater prices so steep these days, what's a film junkie to do? Check out this article, that's what.

ByGerlinda Grimes

Interest rates and banking fees can cause anxiety to customers, but if you know what to look for, then you can keep both low.

BySara Elliott

A seemingly endless number of worthy causes await your charity, but donations shouldn't be a burden. How much is enough -- and how much is too much?

ByLaurie L. Dove

Starting up a garden to save on food costs can seem like a sure bet. It's not, but it is doable. What factors should you consider when starting a garden?

ByJulia Layton


Your washer's on the fritz again, and your toaster oven is, well, toast. Instead of breaking out the big bucks for new appliances, should you opt for a used model? Here are some things to keep in mind when purchasing used appliances.

ByNathan Chandler

在你使用手机扔出去,认为about the consequences. You can sell it or donate it instead and avoid junking up the landfill even more.

ByEmilie Sennebogen

Is your personal library bursting out of its bookshelves? If you need more space (and more cash), we've got five tips for selling your used books.

ByJane McGrath

Though it may seem scary, securing the financial future of your new family needn't be an obsessive pursuit. What are five tips that will set you on the path to financial confidence?

ByJulia Layton


If you're newly married and haven't discussed finances yet, it's time to sit down and do so. Romantic? No. But it's a fact of modern coupling. Learn five tips to make the conversation a little easier.

ByJulia Layton

You buy from eBay all the time, but have you ever thought about using the site to sell your old stuff? Lots of people do it, and here are some tips to help you do the same.

ByMarie Willsey

It's the dream for some folks – make a ton of money while writing in your pajamas on your blog about stuff that interests you. But is that the reality? How much do folks really make from blogging – and how do you strike it rich?

ByDave Roos&Clint Pumphrey

Savings bonds are solid investment tools, but cashing them in isn't as easy as heading to the bank and handing over your identification. Learn how to cash in savings bonds in this article.

ByEd Grabianowski


Treasury bonds guarantee investors their money back plus interest -- the government's thanks for helping offset the national debt. So how can you buy in?

ByChristine Venzon

Finding forgotten cash in your pocket? Awesome. Finding out the government owes you money that you didn't know about? Priceless. Read on to find out how savings bonds get lost -- and how to sniff them out.

ByKate Kershner

In many homes, "budget" is a dirty word. But it's really just a way to help you spend your money most effectively and make sure there's something leftover for the things you want the most. Here are some tips to get your household finances in order.

ByJohn Kelly

Most people have the itch to travel, but not everyone has the funds. But with a little initiative, it's possible to travel in style without breaking the bank.

ByJeff Harder


To celebrate your child's 16th birthday, you may envision an inexpensive, low-key affair in your backyard for family and a few friends. The birthday girl or boy might have different ideas, though. How can you throw a Sweet 16 party on a budget?

ByAlison Cooper

College can be a gateway to independence, and it may be your first chance to decorate your own space. But can you express your style without breaking the bank?

ByJennifer Sellers