
By:雅各布·西尔弗曼(Jacob Silverman)


有些人把越野—whether on ATVs, SUVs or dirt bikes -- with oppressive engine noise and possible environmental degradation; for others, it's a favored way to explore the outdoors. But off-roading can be dangerous, although it depends on various factors, including the environment, the equipment being used and the way you drive.

For example, the sport of motocross, while more popular than ever, is notoriously dangerous for both amateur and professional riders. The sport uses off-road motorcycles on dirt tracks, ramps and other equipment designed to produce spectacular leaps and stunts. It's also synonymous with death-defying crashes and broken bones because riders often try to pull off flips, long-distance jumps and other risky maneuvers -- and they don't always succeed.


专业人士并不是唯一受伤的人。从2001年到2004年,每年平均有23,800人受到与越野摩托车有关的伤害 - 这是针对19岁以下的人[来源:CDC]。超级巨星的骑手特拉维斯·帕斯特拉纳(Travis Pastrana)因其壮观的骑行而闻名,与他所遭受的严重伤害相同,包括脊柱脱臼(通常是致命的),脑震荡和数十个骨折的骨头。


One of the biggest problems may be that both development and the effort to crack down on unauthorized off-roading has pushed some riders to seek out more remote, and likely more dangerous, areas. Consequently, there's rising concern about riders, especially those on dirt bikes or ATVs, fleeing police officers who would ticket them for riding in prohibited areas [source:罗素]。





Off-roading Safety Tips

AP Photo/Paul Sancya

One of the biggest concerns associated with off-roading is滚下。实际上,从SUV到ATV的所有越野车都可以翻身,并在不稳定的越野地形上行驶只会增加机会。

In 2006, approximately 146,600 people visited an emergency room for ATV-related injuries, and an estimated 882 ATV riders died [source:atvsafety.gov]。不幸的是,这些数字正在上升。例如,2001年,发生了估计有100,000至110,000与ATV相关的伤害[来源:New York Times,,,,atvsafety.gov]。


Be careful, then, of vehicles that don't quite fit the ATV mold, such as the Yamaha Rhino, a golf-cartlike公用事业车辆that was recalled in March 2009 after being linked to 46 deaths [source:英国广播公司的新闻]。Such vehicles sometimes don't have the necessary safety features that often accompany ATVs. Better yet, habitually check in with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission or safercar.gov for information about the latest recalls applicable to off-roading.

In motocross, some promoters have managed to make their tracks safer by modifying jumps and using more "flaggers," who signal other riders when a competitor has fallen down. Casual motocross riders also can make their off-roading safer in various ways. First, wear a helmet and other protective gear, such as goggles, knee and elbow pads, gloves, pants and boots. The helmet shouldn't be a basic bicycle helmet either; rather it should be certified by the Department of Transportation. Depending on where you live, wearing a helmet may be required by state law.

其次,在ATV上(和此事的污垢自行车),请确保独自骑行 - 也就是说,每辆车一个人。如果发生事故,那么在周围有其他人是一件好事,但是许多ATV没有能力处理多个乘客。添加乘客可能会限制车辆的处理能力和驾驶员的移动范围。








  • atvsafety.gov。“National Statistics." Dec. 31, 2007.http://www.atvsafety.gov/stats.html
  • 英国广播公司的新闻。“Vehicles recalled after 46 deaths." March 31, 2009.http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7975135.stm
  • 疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)。“儿童和青少年骑摩托车骑马的非致命伤害 - 2001 - 2004年美国。”MMWR 2006.http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/wk/mm5522.pdf
  • Hasselback, P and Wilding, H.R. "Accidents involving off-road motor vehicles in a northern community." Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine. University of Ottawa. Oct. 1, 1987.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1267278/
  • Healey, James R. "FJ Cruiser a delightful off-road machine." USA Today. Sept. 22, 2009.http://www.usatoday.com/money/autos/reviews/healey/2006-09-21-fj-cruiser_x.htm
  • 纽约时报。“一项赛车运动起飞,留下一条骨折的骨头。”2002年9月2日。
  • 纽约时报。“报告引用了越野车的危险。”2002年8月21日。
  • 罗素,珍娜。“越野战士。”波士顿环球报。2009年5月9日。
  • Trottman, Melanie and Conkey, Christopher. "U.S. Probes Off-Road Vehicles After a String of Accidents." Wall Street Journal. Nov. 4, 2008.http://online.wsj.com/article/SB122576165022595629.html
  • 美国消费产品安全委员会。“ATV Safety Messages."http://www.atvsafety.gov/safetytips.html
  • 美国消费产品安全委员会。“参加动手安全培训课程。” http://www.atvsafety.gov/training_tip.html


