
Curious about capitalism, the monetary system or white collar crime? Check out these articles. The Economics Channel defines and explores economic terms and controversies.

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In the grand tradition of retail, all is not always as it seems, and the doorbuster is no exception. Before you camp out for Black Friday, brush up on your retail parlance, and discover the shady side of deals "too good to be true."

ByJulia Layton

Gas prices are notoriously volatile. Does the president have any control over how much you pay at the pump?

ByDave Roos

The relationship between taxes and social welfare programs drives the argument that taxes are essentially socialist, but is that really the case? What does it mean to be socialist -- and how does that definition change once one leaves the U.S.?

ByDave Roos


The Women, Infants and Children program helps ensure that needy families are getting the nutrition they need. How do people qualify for the program and what does it provide?

ByAmber Pittman

Initially dismissed as an isolated, disjointed protest organized by leftist radicals, the Occupy Wall Street movement has gained traction all across the world. Who are these protestors, really, and what do they stand for?

ByCristen Conger

According to conservative opponents to the Occupy Wall Street movement, only 53 percent of Americans pay income tax. Is this true -- and does it matter?

ByDave Roos

You've heard a lot lately about the super-wealthy 1 percent and the 99 percent fighting them for a sliver of the American economic pie. But do 1 percent of Americans really control a full third of all wealth in the U.S.? Yes ... and no.

ByDave Roos


Countries around the world, collectively, have run up at least $40 trillion in debt, but some are worse off than others. Which nations have the largest slices of that massive debt pie?

ByCristen Conger

If you ever get a chance to buy a blue-chip stock, you'd jump on it -- but what if you can't afford to buy all the shares you'd like? You can open a margin account and borrow the money, but be careful: You can go completely broke if things go south.

ByEd Grabianowski

Some places rise in a blaze of glory, growing and flourishing to become the envy of the world. Other towns seem destined for success -- until their luck runs out.

ByJoseph Miller

If you've seen the end of the film "Trading Places," you know the potential outcome of a margin call. What is this terrifying thing -- and how do investors end up having to pay one?

ByDave Roos


It's hard to quantify the economic impact of the events of Sept. 11, 2001 -- and pretty much impossible to tally the emotional cost of that fateful day. How did the events of 9/11 affect the U.S. economically?

ByEd Grabianowski

Your home is in dire need of renovations, and you would like to apply for a federal home improvement grant. Learn about how to apply for a federal home improvement grant in this article. Contributors

You'd like to start a youth center, but don't know where to begin. Learn about how to start a youth center in this article. Contributors

You'd like to start a food pantry, but don't know where to begin. Learn about how to start a food pantry in this article. Contributors


It's sometimes necessary to get power of attorney. Learn about how to get power of attorney in this article. Contributors

How did once run-down neighborhoods like Times Square and the Bowery become such gleaming jewels of New York City geography? It took time, but a process known as gentrification transformed these areas into some of the hottest properties in New York.

ByDave Roos

There's always a need for someone to start a homeless shelter, especially in large cities. Learn about how to start a homeless shelter in this article. Contributors

If you have a product or service and want to use a catchy phrase to attract customers, it's a good idea to learn how to trademark the phrase. Read this article to learn how to trademark a phrase. Contributors


When we think of the Peace Corps, we think of fresh-faced college grads heading off to make the world a better place. But is this an accurate depiction of today's Peace Corps volunteer?

ByBeth Brindle

With men and women living longer and healthier lives, retirement no longer means wasting away the day in rocking chair. Today's retirees are active and full of life and many are using volunteerism as a way support causes close to their hearts.

ByBeth Brindle

More than 23 percent of boomers age 65 and older volunteer in their communities, and there are some pretty cool benefits -- in addition to the warm fuzzy feelings. Check out five of the most interesting volunteer organizations for boomers.

ByChris Opfer

退休的自由提供了完美的农业tunity to donate your time and skills to a worthy cause. Volunteer vacations for retirees are rewarding and big on impact.

ByJohn Kelly


Your friend inherited a large sum of money and would like to create a scholarship fund. This article will try to explain how to create that scholarship fund. Contributors

On April 13, 2011, President Barack Obama proposed a plan for reducing the United State's debt and strengthen its fiscal reputation. But what does it really take to save sums of money so large they hardly seem real?

ByChanel Lee