Why Are Potassium Iodide Pills Selling Like Crazy?

By:Jennifer Walker-Journey|
Potassium iodide tablets
Potassium iodide tablets, which can be used in a nuclear emergency, have been nearly impossible to find since Russia invaded Ukraine Feb. 23, 2022. The last time there was a run on tablets was in 2011 after the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown.Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The ripple effects of Russia's assault on Ukraine have been felt around the globe, from gas prices reachinghistorichighs to scary threats of第三次世界大战being tossed around by world leaders.

But something else is also being affected — potassium iodide (KI) pills. Packages of thesupplementhave been flying off the shelves of online pharmacies. And with demand surging, somethird-party vendorsare offering 20-pill packs for upward of $200 — roughly 10 times their usual price.


What Is Potassium Iodide?

Potassium iodide is a chemical compound sold as a medicine or supplement and sometimesused to treatoveractivethyroidconditions, such as hyperthyroidism. Iodine is also found in foods like fish, dairy products andiodized salt, and plays an important role in maintaining metabolism.

The reason potassium iodide has become so sought after in recent weeks? The tablets are often doled out to people exposed to radiation following a nuclear disaster to protect against thyroid cancer, says Dr. Keith W. Roach, an internal medicine doctor and associate professor of Clinical Medicine at Weill Medical College of Cornell University. He's also the author of "To Your Good Health," a medical advice column syndicated in more than 150 newspapers, where he recentlyaddressed questionsabout potassium iodide.


Any time there is the real or perceived threat of a nuclear attack, people start scrambling for the stuff, Troy Jones, president of sales and marketing forAnbex, Inc., makers of the potassium iodide brand iOSAT, recently toldCNN. For example, there was another surge in potassium iodide sales in 2018, after former president Donald Trump tweeted that he had a "much bigger & more powerful" button than North Korea's Kim Jong-un.

Now people want to get their hands on the tablets after Russian troops took control of Chernobyl, the site of the world's worst nuclear power plant accident. You'll remember that in 1986 Chernobyl spewed a cloud of radioactive material into the atmosphere endangeringmillions of peoplein the former USSR and present-day Ukraine. Reactor No. 4 has been sealed off and is protected, but has to be monitored 24 hours a day.

"The big run [on iOSAT] started Feb. 23 through Feb. 28. We sold out all the inventory we had," Jonestold CNN. Even after supplies were replenished, sales continued to spike well into March.


Potassium Iodide and Radiation: What's the Connection?

During anuclear radiation emergency, such as a nuclear power plant accident, an explosion of anuclear weaponor an attack from a so-called "dirty bomb," radioactive material can be released into the air or water. The main radioactive materials, or radionuclides that pose a risk to human health include radioactive caesium and radioactive iodine, also referred to as radioidine. Someone can become exposed to these radionuclides following a nuclear radiation emergency by breathing air or eating food contaminated with radioactive chemicals.

Radioactive iodine, in particular, will concentrate in the thyroid, the butterfly-shaped gland on the front of the neck that produces hormones that regulate the body's metabolic rate. This can harm the thyroid and cause thyroid cancer later on, Roach explains.


If taken early enough — ideally, within three to four hours of exposure — potassium iodide can protect the thyroid from radioactive iodine by blocking all the available space in the thyroid gland for the radioactive iodine to bind. "That's when potassium iodide becomes an important health issue," Roach says.

Potassium iodide is recommended by theU.S. Food and Drug Administration(FDA), theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), and the World Health Organization (WHO) for use in the event of a nuclear disaster. In such instances, the supplement is offered to people within 10 to 20 miles (16 to 32 kilometers) of the nuclear plant.

However, there's no way of knowing how far a radioactive iodine cloud might spread. "The [radioactive] iodides go with the wind and get caught into rain clouds and rain down in vast areas so that food and water can become contaminated," Roach explains. "Even people who live a long way from the blast can be exposed."

After Chernobyl, higher than expected rates of thyroid cancer were found in people who lived more than 200 miles (321 kilometers) from the nuclear plant, according to theAmerican Thyroid Association, which supports wider distribution of the supplements.

first aid posts Chernobyl
First aid workers operated posts around the clock after the Chernobyl meltdown in 1986.
Ukrainian Society for Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries


Thyroid Cancer and Nuclear Disasters

According to the American Thyroid Association, thyroid cancer isn't very common compared to other cancers, and ishighly treatable. In general, about 90 percent of thyroid cancer patients survive. But not all thyroid cancers carry the same prognosis, Roach explains.

The most common type — papillary thyroid cancer — is very curable. "But there are some cancers that are really bad and ones due to excess radiation are not as well behaved as typical thyroid cancer," he says.


There's no doubt potassium iodide can protect against thyroid cancer if you've been exposed to radioactive iodine and been treated at the right time with the proper dosage. But even if your thyroid is protected, you are still at risk for cancer.

“会有摩擦,”罗奇说。“一个核装置produces many different types of radiation, only a small portion of which is mediated through the iodides, like cesium iodide, for example. So, the potassium iodide protects you from part of the radiation exposure, but it doesn't protect you from any of the others.

For example, among Japanese atomic bomb survivors, the risk of leukemia increased a few years after radiation exposure whereas the risks of other cancers increased more than 10 years after exposure, according toColumbia University核研究中心。但米any long-term studies have found that after the meltdown at Chernobyl, there was only aslightly higher risk of leukemiain the most contaminated regions, yet there was still adramatic increaseof childhood and adolescence thyroid cancers.

child with lymphosarcoma
Andrei Maiboroda, seen here at just 15 in 1996, was diagnosed with lymphosarcoma of the stomach after being exposed to radioactive fallout in his hometown of Minsk, Belarus, after reactor No. 4 at Chernobyl exploded.
Ezra Shaw/Getty Images


Should I Stockpile Potassium Iodide?

The FDA has not made specific recommendations for people to purchase or use potassium iodide. But if you live in the U.S. and within 10 miles (16 kilometers) of a nuclear reactor or an emergency planning zone, chances are you are covered. That's because thanks toan arrangement with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, those states purchase potassium iodide to keep on hand.

If you live farther away, it could be days before the cloud of radioactive debris rains down on your food and water supply, so there is time to get your hands on potassium iodide. As a medical professional, Roach says he's not concerned, though, and he's not far fromThree Mile Island, the site of the most serious nuclear power plant accident in the U.S., and he's not stockpiling potassium iodide.


"Because health officials have mass amounts of it. It's something that they would be able to get to the population fast," he says.

But, if it gives you peace of mind, then buy it. "There's an extremely small benefit from having it," Roach says. "On the other hand, the stuff costs a couple dollars a dose. So, if people say, 'Well, I want to have it,' then I say, 'then you do that.'

“如果你担心足以把一年的供应f food in your bomb shelter, then you're the sort of person who is going to have potassium iodide," he says. "The rest of us are willing to take this infinitesimal risk."


Where Can I Get Potassium Iodide?

Potassium iodide is available without a prescription, but you won't find it on the shelves of some of the nation's largest drugstores, likeCVSorWalgreens. Instead it's available via online pharmacies, but do beware offakes, such as tablets and liquid that claim to be iodide or dietary supplements that promise to protect against radiation.

Only four potassium iodide products areapproved by the FDAto be marketed in the U.S.:


  • iOSAT tablets, 130 mg, from Anbex, Inc.
  • ThyroSafe tablets, 65 mg, from Recipharm AB
  • ThyroShield oral solution, 65 mg/mL, from Arco Pharmaceuticals, LLC
  • Potassium Iodide Oral Solution USP, 65 mg/mL, from Mission Pharmacal Company

A single 130 mg dose of potassium iodide, or a 56 mg dose for children ages 3 to 12, protects the thyroid for approximately 24 hours. It should be dosed daily until the risk of exposure no longer exists. Taking a more than recommended dosage or taking a stronger dose than recommended does not offer more protection and can cause severe illness or death, theCDC warns.

Potassium iodide is not recommended for individuals with certain health conditions. But otherwise, if taken as recommended, the medicine carries very few side effects.

If you do choose to buy potassium iodide to have on hand "just in case," Roach echoes the CDC's recommendation that it only be taken upon the advice of public health or emergency management officials.


