What Happens if You Miss a Dose of Antibiotics?

By:Patrick J. Kiger|
If you miss a dose of antibiotics, it's best to try to get back on track as soon as you realize it.

There's a strange paradox in the use ofantibiotics. People tend to see them as the silver bullets that will get rid of illnesses, so much so that they pressure their doctors to prescribe them even when they're not really needed. But once they do get aprescription,人们经常忽视所有的读出cation as directed. Non-compliance is a particularly big problem when the patient is a child. In one study of children with streptococcal infections who got a 10-day course of penicillin, 56 percent had stopped taking their medication by the third day, and by the ninth day, 82 percent had stopped [source:Merck Manuals].

Adults probably don't do much better. Though recent data is lacking, in a study conducted in the 1990s by the American Lung Association, more than half of patients admitted that they didn't complete all the doses of their last course of antibiotics, and about a quarter said that they had stopped taking their medication as soon as they started feeling better [source:Brody].


Patients do this even though their doctors caution that not taking all of their medication puts them at risk of developing an antibiotic-resistant infection. Most who didn't follow the regimen said that it was simply too inconvenient [source:Brody].

But let's assume that you're not one of those non-diligent people, and you actually intend to follow directions -- but, for one reason or another, you simply forget to take your pill. What happens then?

Skipping a dose of an antibiotic allows the level of the medication in your bloodstream to drop off, which can set back your recovery. You'll also give the microbe more of a chance to develop immunity to the antibiotic [source:Brody].

好消息是,如果你错过了一个剂量,medical experts say you probably won't be hurt too much. As soon as you realize your mistake, simply take a regular dose (don't double up), and then adjust the schedule of your doses. For example, if you were supposed to take your pill at 8 a.m. daily but end up taking it at 2 p.m., switch to taking it at that time every day. Extend the end of your treatment a little, and take the missed dose at the end [source:美国胸科协会].


Antibiotics FAQs

What happens if you accidentally take two doses of antibiotics?
Doubling up on doses is not recommended. You will be doing so at the risk of increased side effects, which can vary depending on the antibiotics you’re prescribed.
What happens if I don't take all my antibiotics?
If you don't finish your course, your infection might worsen or return. You may end up requiring a longer course and perhaps stronger medication. Treatments that are left halfway can also make your body resistant to medication.
Can I change from one antibiotic to another?
Consult with your doctor if you are experiencing severe side effects. Switch to a different antibiotic only if your doctor recommends it.

Lots More Information

Related Articles

  • American Thoracic Society. "What Are Antibiotics?" Thoracic.org. 2014. (Nov. 3, 2014) http://www.thoracic.org/clinical/copd-guidelines/for-patients/what-kind-of-medications-are-there-for-copd/what-are-antibiotics.php
  • Brody, Jane. "Personal Health." The New York Times. March 13, 1996. (Nov. 3, 2014) http://www.nytimes.com/1996/03/13/us/personal-health-007102.html
  • Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. "Patient compliance with antibiotic treatment for respiratory tract infections." Oxfordjournals.org. 2002. (Nov. 3, 2014) http://jac.oxfordjournals.org/content/49/6/897.long
  • Merck Manuals. "Adherence to Drug Treatment." Merckmanuals.com. 2014. (Nov. 3, 2014) http://www.merckmanuals.com/home/drugs/factors_affecting_response_to_drugs/adherence_to_drug_treatment.html

