Healthcare System

Taking care of your health involves choosing a doctor and understanding how to best get the care you need. This section will help you deal with these issues and provide some fun and shocking facts about the medical field.

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Turn on a TV crime drama or read the headlines to the biggest stories in the nation, and you'll get an idea of why medical examiners are not only important in society, but also pretty cool to boot. So, what are some of the perks of the job?

ByTom Scheve

Being a prison doctor seems like a dangerous job, but most inmates respect doctors because they're glad to get medical care they couldn't access on the outside. So what do doctors think about working in prisons? Are they safe and fulfilling places to work?

ByMaria Trimarchi

Pharmacy compounding is an established tradition which allows a physician to prescribe a very specific medication, prepared by a pharmacist, for a patient's individual needs. Learn about the work of a compounding pharmacist.

Bythe editors of PureHealthMD


Talking with a pediatrician isn't always easy, especially if you're worried about your child's health. How can you prepare to make the most of your time with the doctor?

ByJane McGrath

You just got a new job. You go in on your first day, get your ID badge and fill out all of your paperwork. You start work immediately, but your insurance doesn't start working for you for another 30 days. Why do you have to wait?

ByMelissa Jeffries

Elective procedures can be as simple as Botox injections or as complicated as angioplasty or infertility treatments. But regardless, they're going to cost you, not your insurance company.

ByMelissa Jeffries

Doctors use slang terms to save time during their day to day operations. You'll find that some of the terms are quite humorous because of the way they describe the ailment. Find out what physicians are really saying when they use medical slang.

By的编辑出版物国际比赛ional, Ltd.


Allergists and immunologists are concerned with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders related to immunity -- the body’s ability to resist disease or threatening substances. Learn about allergists and immunologists.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

Anesthesiologists are specialists in the use of drugs that stop pain. Though some medical procedures can be done with a local anesthetic, others require that the patient remain unconscious. Learn about anesthesiologists.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

Dermatologists study disorders of the skin, ranging from acne to skin cancer. Dermatologists also have training in allergies, since many skin conditions have been recognized as allergic reactions. Learn more about what dermatologists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

Cardiologists study and treat disorders of the heart and circulatory system, including such conditions as rheumatic heart disease in children and congestive heart failure in adults. Learn more about what cardiologists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide


Dentists treat diseases, disorders, and malformations of the teeth, mouth, and jaws. In addition to providing routine dental care, dentists may specialize in such areas as orthodontia and periodontia. Learn more about what dentists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

Hematologists study diseases and disorders of the blood and the blood-forming tissues. They are experts on cancer of the blood (leukemia) and on blood-clotting problems, such as hemophilia. Learn about what hematologists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

Nephrologists specialize in treating kidney disorders. Patients are usually referred to nephrologists when kidney problems are diagnosed as needing specialized care. Nephrologists may make use of medications or dialysis to treat their patients.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

Neurologists study the field of medical science that is concerned with the nervous system -- the brain, the spinal cord, and the complex network of nerves. Learn about what neurologists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide


Oncologists specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of tumors, particularly cancer. There are subspecialists within the field of oncology, such as pediatric oncologists, gynecologic oncologists, and radiation oncologists. Find out exactly what oncologists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

An ophthalmologist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats diseases and injuries of the eyes, such as cataracts and glaucoma. Most ophthalmologists are also eye surgeons. Learn about what ophthalmologists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

Orthopedists are concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the bones and joints, including broken bones, bone tumors, and other problems of the skeletal system. Learn about what orthopedists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

Otolaryngologists -- or ear, nose, and throat specialists -- focus on the diagnosis and treatment of problems related to the ear, nose, and throat, commonly referred to as ENT. Learn about what otolaryngologists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide


Pathologists study the changes in body tissues brought about by disease and the ways in which these changes provide clues to the causes of disease and death. Learn about what pathologists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

While cardiovascular surgeons treat disorders that affect the heart and its blood vessels specifically, peripheral vascular surgeons treat conditions that affect the rest of the circulatory system. Learn about what peripheral vascular surgeons do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

Physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists are concerned with the diseases and disorders of the neuromuscular system (the nerves and muscles). Learn more about what physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

Podiatrists treat diseases and injuries of the feet. Doctors in this area have degrees in podiatric medicine but not M.D. degrees, and they have not attended medical school. Learn about what podiatrists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide


Preventive medicine specialists seek to prevent illnesses. This field of medicine is also concerned with reviewing present health services and anticipating and planning to meet future medical needs. Learn what preventive medicine specialists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide

A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who deals with mental disorders. Many psychiatrists use psychoanalysis as part of their diagnostic method, and all psychiatrists have intensive training in psychology. Learn about what psychiatrists do.

ByEditors of Consumer Guide