How Marketing Plans Work

Product Marketing Literature

Supporting product literature and other company collateral materials will be key to many of your marketing and sales efforts. These items must present your company image very clearly and professionally. Not only is the text and wording of your literature important, but also the visual image and quality that it projects.

In your literature, it is critical to highlight and emphasize the benefits of your product or service and not just the specifications and features. When planning the literature needs, consider these issues:


  • 文献将用于什么?整体排版any information, specific product specs and benefits, special information folders?
  • Who is the audience for each piece? Investors, partners, customers?
  • What approximate quantity do you anticipate for each piece? This will help you not only budget for it, but also get an idea of what level of quality you should go for?
  • Who will develop the piece? Internal staff members, a printing company, a design firm? (Cost will vary tremendously with each.)

Premium items are the trinkets and goodies you give away at trade shows or other events. They typically have the company name branded on them and are of little or no value. If you need premiums for trade shows or other events, the best advice is to stick with something that is both useful and consistent with your company's image and product or service line.

For example, abeermanufacturer might give away bottle openers, or a book store might give away book marks orcoffeemugs. Pens, note pads, andrefrigeratormagnets are also good choices. Look for innovative features and good quality if you go with these items (or any premium item), like magnets that have clips to hold larger notes, or pens that will stick to your file cabinet. Just like with your product line, you want your premium items to stand out, be of good quality, and make a favorable impression.