
Nearly 40% of mammal species are rodents, and they are found on every continent except Antarctica. Rodents include mice, rats, squirrels, chipmunks and beavers, among others.

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There are tons of squirrel species around the world. Do they all have the same life span?

ByKristen Hall-Geisler

Don't freak out with worry if you see a splooting squirrel — he's just cooling off in the best way he knows how.

ByJesslyn Shields

Hibernating mammals like ground squirrels can build some muscle mass during their big sleep, with the help of gut bacteria.

ByJesslyn Shields


Leucistic squirrels are rare, but Brevard, North Carolina has a thriving population.

ByJesslyn Shields

一只小猪鼻子和运动of a kangaroo, these tiny desert rodents hardly ever drink water and rarely urinate.

ByJesslyn Shields

They look a lot like beavers and the two rodents have a lot in common. But muskrats are their own species with their own signature scent.

ByMeg Sparwath

Red squirrels have a big attitude, which might have to due with their small size. They have to act big. And they do so with noisy and aggressive behavior.

ByMark Mancini


These chunky little guys aren't dogs at all. They're actually part of the rodent family, and they're shockingly smart.

ByMeg Sparwath

Lemmings don't commit mass suicide as is popularly believed, but they are aggressive and have even been known to charge larger predators.

ByJesslyn Shields

It's an age-old question. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck? Turns out, none at all. So what would a woodchuck chuck if it couldn't chuck wood?

ByKatie Carman

But, squirrels that strongly prefer one hand over the other aren't as good at learning, one study suggests. What does this mean for you and me?

ByPatty Rasmussen


Beaver attacks get a lot of media attention but are beavers really crazed killers that we should be afraid of? And what good do they really do?

ByNathan Chandler

Groundhogs don't actually make great weathermen, but they are pretty cool in every other respect.

ByJesslyn Shields

Arguably the most charming rodent in the world, the capybara is also the largest.

ByJesslyn Shields

These adorable little rodents are popular as pets, but they require some special care.

ByJesslyn Shields


There doesn't seem to be much of a gray area. Most people are a hard yes or yard no.

ByMeg Sparwath

Perhaps it's a mating signal. Or meant to confuse owls and other predators. Or maybe it's just for looks.

ByJamie Allen

The old saw about cats being good catchers of rats was finally put to scientific study — and the results were pretty sad.

ByNathan Chandler

It's a natural phenomenon known as a 'squirrel king.' But what's the deal and why do squirrels get tangled up?

ByJamie Allen


The Indian giant squirrel is covered in flamboyant colors like orange, black and bright purple. But why?

ByJamie Allen

Once you accept squirrels aren't going anywhere, you can apply a more creative approach to keeping the critters away from your prized tomatoes.

ByJamie Allen

Nutria are jumbo-sized rodents that reproduce and eat at a jumbo-sized pace.

ByJesslyn Shields

Why do squirrels exhibit behavior that can get them killed by cars? And how can you avoid them?

ByJamie Allen


The first new rat species found in the Solomon Islands in 80 years has been uncovered. But due to deforestation of its habitat, very few may still exist.

ByJesslyn Shields

Fall is in full swing and that means squirrels are busy hoarding nuts for winter. So how do they remember where they buried them? Research suggests they use mnemonic strategies.

ByJamie Allen