
Primates are placental mammals that include gorillas, monkeys and chimpanzees, as well as humans. Other than humans, primates are found mostly in Central and South America, Africa, and South Asia.

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Their genetic similarity to humans makes chimps great subjects for medical research. But some countries are banning this research because these apelike similarities are a little too close for comfort.

ByCristen Conger

So far, "Planet of the Apes" is pure fiction. But are chimps capable of learning human language (and eventually taking over the world)?

ByCristen Conger

Animals may not have access to spice racks, but does that mean they don't enjoy flavorful meals? Have Japanese monkeys discovered the joy of cooking, or is this a culinary myth?

ByCristen Conger


Monkeys and apes have lots of similarities, but they're not the same animal. In a lot of ways, it all comes down to the tail.

Until now, no one has documented a definite case of chimpanzees using tools to hunt in the traditional sense. Find out what a new study on chimpanzees may reveal about human evolution.

ByJulia Layton

Did you know you conserve energy every time you walk across a room? You do, in evolutionary terms at least. Find out how and why humans began walking upright and what this has to do with our body's energy use.

ByJacob Silverman