British Prime Minister Liz Truss Resigns After Only 44 Days

By:Garret Martin|
Liz Truss
British Prime Minister Liz Truss gives her resignation speech outside No. 10 Downing St. in London, Oct. 20, 2022. She served as Prime Minister for just six weeks.Rob Pinney/Getty Images

TheU.K. governmentis in tatters after Prime Minister Liz Truss resigned Oct. 20, 2022 — the second leader to be forced out in mere months. It follows aneconomic messlargelyof her own makingthat resulted inU-turns, ahigh-profile firing,curious absencesandplummeting support.

The resignation means that Truss will go down as theshortest-lived U.K. prime minister in history.


So what exactly has gone wrong, and what happens next? We asked Garret Martin,an expert on U.K. politicsat American University School of International Service, to explain it all.

Who Is Liz Truss and How Did She Become Prime Minister?

Liz Truss was, until Oct. 20, both the leader of the Conservative Party and the nation's political leader — albeit she wasnot put in place by the electorate. In early July 2022, then-U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson, having lost the support of his party after a series of scandals,resigned as leader of the Conservatives. Instead of stepping down immediately as prime minister, Johnson announced that he would stay on until his party had selected a successor.

Thatleadership electionproceeded in two distinct steps over the course of the summer. Through a series of votes, Conservative members of Parliament whittled down the list of candidates to two finalists: Truss, who served as foreign secretary, and former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak. It was then up to the wider members of the Conservative Party to pick between the top two. On Sept. 5, Truss was formally announced as the winner, with 57.4 percent of the votes,paving her way to become the new prime minister.


Her tenure lasted just over six weeks.

What Caused Her Trouble?

Truss came to office amid extremely difficult circumstances. Queen Elizabeth IIdied within a few days of her taking overfrom Johnson. That removed the promise of any new leadership "bounce," as the nation was plungedinto an official period of mourning.

Overseeing the transition to a new monarch only added to the plethora of thorny challenges affecting the government, including the war in Ukraine and thethreat of Scottish secession, as well asthe severe energy and inflation crises.


But if any observers expected caution from Truss, they were rapidly corrected. On Sept. 23, then-Chancellor of the Exchequer Kwasi Kwarteng outlined abold "mini-budget" to Parliament. This new plan promised growth for a struggling U.K. economy, relying on a massive package of tax cuts. It would have represented the biggest tax cut in half a century,with benefits predominantly for richer segments of the population.

This was not a complete surprise, since Truss had campaigned onsuch a platform during the leadership election. Yet the scale and speed of the announcement were stunning, an example of what BBC journalist Nicholas Watt referred to as "shock and awe" tactics.

It was an audacious gamble by Truss — and one that completely failed to convince the markets. Within days of Kwarteng's announcements, the pound had plummeted in value,leading British borrowing costs to shoot up. Meanwhile, soaring interest rates piled on misery to millions in the U.K. in theshape of higher mortgage payments.

The International Monetary Fund piled on as well, urging the U.K. governmentto "reevaluate" the planned tax cutsbecause of how they might "stoke soaring inflation." And the Bank of England was forced to take drastic measures, including buying an unlimited quantity of government bonds,to protect the U.K. economy from crashing even further. Truss' premiership never recovered from the loss of credibility.


How Did She Respond to the Crisis?

With pressure mounting and growing disquiet among the wider public and membersof her own party, Truss resorted yet again to drastic measures. She sacked Kwarteng unceremoniously Oct. 14,meaning he had lasted only 38 days on the job.

Jeremy Hunt, a former foreign secretary, stepped in to replace Kwarteng — the fourth chancellor in less than four months. He immediately proceededto roll back nearly all the measurespromised in Kwarteng's mini-budget. Hunt emphasized that this was necessary to restore confidence in the U.K. economy, but it was also an unmistakable and stunning rebuke of the prime minister. Herabsence from Parliamentduring an "urgent question" on the dismissal of Kwarteng and subsequent ducking out of aplanned media eventdid little to instill confidence in her handling of a political crisis.


The crisis worsened Oct. 19 with the announcement that the U.K.'s home secretaryhad resigned over an apparent security breach. It was followed bychaotic scenes in Parliamentin which Conservative politicians were allegedly manhandled and bullied into voting in line with Truss' wishes. It angered many members of Parliament, and appeared to have sealed the deal of her undoing.

Why Did She Have to Go?

桁架的信誉损失和支持迪勒emma for the Conservative Party. It could have tried to stick with Truss, in the hope that there would be enough time for her to recover. After all, thenext election could be as far away as January 2025.

Yet the prime minister was so deeply wounded that the party as a whole was suffering and its future electoral chances diminishing. Prior to her resignation,only 10 percent of voters approved of her leadership, with 80 percent having an unfavorable view, a significantly worse score than even Boris Johnson when he resigned. Within her own party,a whopping 55 percent wanted Truss to leave. Meanwhile the Conservatives trailthe opposition Labour Party by a dramatic 29 percentage pointsin the latest polls.


So What Happens Now?

There are several possible candidates to replace her.

These include figures like Rishi Sunak; Leader of the House of Commons Penny Mordaunt; or Jeremy Hunt —all of whom ran against Truss in July. Boris Johnson might even try a daring comeback, although that remains a stretch, considering the circumstances in which he left office.


But whoever is in office will face a steep climb to regain the confidence and support of voters.

Garret Martinis a senior professorial lecturer and co-director Transatlantic Policy Center at the American University School of International Service. He receives funding from the European Union for the research center — The Transatlantic Policy Center — that he co-directs at American University.

This article is republished fromThe Conversationunder a Creative Commons license. You can find theoriginal articlehere.


