How Twins Work

Baby Making 101

How fraternal twins are made.

The key tohuman reproductionis fertilization. The optimum time for fertilization to take place is duringovulation, which occurs about mid-way through a woman'smenstrual cycle. If the one egg released during ovulation is fertilized by a male's sperm, here's what happens next:

  • Sometime around day one-and-a-half, conception occurs; the fertillized egg, now called azygotedivides one time, resulting in two cells.
  • By approximately four days after fertilization, the zygote has about 100 cells and is called ablastocyst.
  • By the sixth day after fertilization, the blastocyst implants itself in the uterine wall where it will continue to develop for approximately nine months.

Initially after implantation, the developing baby is called anembryo. Around week nine of development, it is called afetus. The developing baby is suspended and protected by the fluid-filledamniotic sac它接收营养和氧气和eliminates waste via theumbilical chordandplacenta.


Now that you know how asingleton(single baby) is created, let's look at how twins form.

There are two basic types of twins:monozygotic(also known as "identical") anddizygotic(also known as "fraternal").

How identical twins are made.

There's no doubt that identical twins stand out more and are more easily recognized. However, they are not the most prevalent type of twins. In fact, you might be surprised to find that two thirds of all twins are dizygotic. Dizygotic twins occur when two sperm fertilize two distinct eggs. In this instance, rather than releasing one egg during ovulation, the mother has released two. (For higher multiple births, more eggs are released - for example, intrizygotic triplets, three eggs are fertilized by three sperm.)

Dizygotic (DZ), or fraternal twins, can be one of three combinations:

  • Two males (represents about one-fourth of all DZ twin sets)
  • Two females (represents about one-fourth of all DZ twin sets)
  • One male and one female (represents one-half of all DZ twin sets)

The fertilization of two eggs by two sperm results in two separate embryos — each with its ownchorion(outer membrane of the amniotic sac),amnion(inner membrane of the amniotic sac) andplacenta. In some instances, if the embryos implant very nearby each other along the uterine wall, the placentas can becomefused.

Because they are formed from two distinct eggs and two distinct sperm, DZ twins are genetically no more similar than regular siblings are, sharing 50 percent of their DNA.