How Viruses Work

How a Virus Infects You

In order to replicate, the virus depends on the host cell's chemical machinery. Note that these steps may differ slightly depending on the type of host cell that the virus is attacking.© HowStuffWorks

Viruses lie around our environment all of the time just waiting for a host cell to come along. They can enter us through the eyes, nose, mouth or breaks in the skin (seeHow the Immune System Worksfor details). Once inside, they find a host cell to infect. For example, cold and flu viruses will attack cells that line therespiratoryor digestive tracts. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS, attacks the T-cells of the immune system.

无论哪一类型的宿主细胞,病毒follow the same basic steps to replicate:


  1. A virus particle attaches to a host cell.
  2. The particle releases its genetic instructions into the host cell.
  3. The injected genetic material recruits the host cell's enzymes.
  4. The enzymes make parts for more new virus particles.
  5. The new particles assemble the parts into new viruses.
  6. The new particles break free from the host cell.

All viruses have some type of protein on the outside coat or envelope that "feels" or "recognizes" the proper host cell(s). This protein attaches the virus to themembraneof the host cell. Some enveloped viruses can dissolve right through the cell membrane of the host because both the virus envelope and the cell membrane are made oflipids.

Those viruses that do not enter the cell must inject their contents (genetic instructions, enzymes) into the host cell. Those viruses that dissolve into a cell simply release their contents once inside the host. In either case, the results are the same.