How did the Internet start?

Dwight D. Eisenhower initiated ARPA, the team of researches that built ARPANET, the earliest U.S. Internet.
Ed Clark/Time Life Pictures/Getty Images

Mention the history of theInternetto a group of people, and chances are someone will make a snarky comment about Al Gore claiming to have invented it. Gore actually said that he "took the initiative in creating the Internet" [source:CNN]. He promoted the Internet's development both as a senator and as vice president of the United States. So how did the Internet really get started? Believe it or not, it all began with a satellite.

It was 1957 when the then Soviet Union launchedSputnik, the first man-made satellite. Americans were shocked by the news. The Cold War was at its peak, and the United States and the Soviet Union considered each other enemies. If the Soviet Union could launch a satellite intospace, it was possible it could launch a missile at North America.


President Dwight D. Eisenhower created theAdvanced Research Projects Agency(ARPA) in 1958 as a direct response to Sputnik's launch. ARPA's purpose was to give the United States a technological edge over other countries. One important part of ARPA's mission was computer science.

In the 1950s, computers were enormous devices that filled entire rooms. They had a fraction of the power and processing ability you can find in a modernPC. Many computers could only read magnetic tape or punch cards, and there was no way tonetworkcomputers together.

ARPA aimed to change that. It enlisted the help of the company Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN) to create a computer network. The network had to connect four computers running on four differentoperating systems. They called the networkARPANET.

Without ARPANET, the Internet wouldn't look or behave the way it does today -- it might not even exist. Although other groups were working on ways to network computers, ARPANET established the protocols used on the Internet today. Moreover, without ARPANET, it may have taken many more years before anyone tried to find ways to join regional networks together into a larger system.

In the next section, we'll look at how ARPANET joined with other networks to create the Internet.


Early Networks

Tim Berners-Lee
Catrina Genevese/Getty Images

In 1973, engineers began to look at ways to connect ARPANET to thepacket radio network(PRNET). A packet radionetworkconnects computers throughradiotransmitters and receivers. Instead of sending data acrossphone行,电脑使用无线电波。用了3个e years, but in 1976 engineers successfully connected the two networks [source: SRI].

Technicians joined theSatellite Network(SATNET) to the other two networks in 1977. They called the connection between multiple networksinter-networking, or theInternetfor short. Other early computer networks soon joined. They includedUSENET,BITNET,CSNETandNSFNET.


In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee developed a system designed to simplify navigation on the Internet. In time, this system became known as theWorld Wide Web. It didn't take long for some people to mistakenly identify the Internet and the Web as the same thing. The Internet is a global interconnection of computer networks; the World Wide Web is a way to navigate this massive network. In sailing terms, it's like comparing an ocean to a ship.

Most early Internet users were government and military employees, graduate students and computer scientists. Using the World Wide Web, the Internet became much more accessible. Colleges and universities began to connect to the Internet, and businesses soon followed. By 1994, Internet commerce had become a reality.

Today, the Internet is more complex than ever. It connects computers, satellites, mobile devices and other gadgets together in a massive network millions of times more intricate than the original ARPANET. And to think, we owe it all to a silver beeping ball that once orbited miles above the Earth's surface.


Frequently Answered Questions

Why was the Internet created in the first place?
The Internet was created in the 1960s by the U.S. Department of Defense as a way to share information between computers.

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  • “技术阿帕网的历史。”认为project, The University of Texas at Austin.
  • "Birth of the Internet." Smithsonian.
  • "Computer Pioneer Robert Kahn with Ed Feigenbaum." Computer History Museum video. January 9, 2007.
  • "Getting the net off the ground." BBC News. March 4, 2005.
  • "Internet History." Computer History Museum.
  • "Internet History: From ARPANET to Broadband." Congressional Digest. February, 2007. pgs 35 - 37, 64.
  • "Internet Pioneers."
  • "Internet." Encyclopedia Britannica. 2007. Encyclopedia Britannica Online.
  • "The Arpanet: Forerunner of Today's Internet." BBN Technologies.
  • "The Internet: A Short History of Getting Connected." Federal Communications Commission. June 8, 2004.
  • "The Launch of NSFNET." NSF.
  • "Timeline of SRI International Innovations: 1970s." SRI International.
  • "Transcript: Vice President Al Gore on CNN's 'Late Edition'." CNN. March 9, 1999.
  • Diamond, Edwin and Bates, Stephen. "The Ancient History of the Internet." American Heritage Magazine. October, 1995. pp. 34+
  • Griffiths, Richard T. "The History of the Internet." Leiden University.
  • Hauben, Michael. "History of ARPANET."
  • Hauben, Ronda. "From the ARPANET to the Internet." June 23, 1998.
  • Kirstein, Peter. "The ARPANET."
  • Kleinrock, Leonard. "The Birth of the Internet." August 27, 1996.
  • LivingInternet.
  • O'Neill, Judy. "Oral History Interview with Vinton Cerf." Smithsonian Institution. April 24, 1990.
  • Port, Otis. "He Made the Net Work." Business Week. September 27, 2004. Issue 3901. Page 20.
  • Smith, Jeremy N. "The Making of the Internet." World Trade Magazine. June, 2007.

