How Morse Code Works and Still Lives On in the Digital Age

By:Mark Mancini|
Samuel Morse invented Morse code as a way to communicate via a series of dots and dashes. The above spells out Morse code in, well, Morse code.©HowStuffWorks

He was a successful businessman and apresidential portraitist. But above all else, Samuel F. B. Morse is best remembered for his eponymous Morse code, an elegant system that revolutionized communications back in the 1800s.

Even in the heyday of Silicon Valley andsocial media, there's still a place for the well-worn code. (Just ask the U.S. Navy. It's just one language cryptologic technicians learn while training at the Center for Information Dominance at Corry Station in Pensacola, Florida.) As the forerunner to email, texts and other near-instant messaging mediums, we think Morse code deserves a tip of the hat.


Who Was Samuel Morse?

塞缪尔·莫尔斯的背景故事读起来像tragic Hollywood screenplay. He was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts on April 27, 1791. A professional painter, Morse found himself working on a portrait of the Marquis de Lafayette in 1825. The job had taken him to Washington, D.C. where he received a devastating letter. According to the dispatch, his young wife had died back at their home in New Haven, Connecticut.

Worse, by the time Morse got this message, it was too late for him to return in time for her funeral. She was laid to rest without him.


Such was the pace of mostlong-distance communicationsin those days. Morse was one of the entrepreneurs leading the way.

He was one of the developers of thefirst telegraphsbuilt in the 1830s. To call any lone scientist or inventor the "father" of this technical breakthrough would be misleading. Morse wasjust oneof the visionaries behind the telegraph's early development.

Despite his limited scientific background, Morse had a real passion forelectricity. In 1837, he showcased aprototypical telegraphthat he'd built at a public demonstration. Like all telegraphs, his sent out pulses of electric current via wire. The pulses would make their way into a receiver — and this is where Samuel Morse's famous code came into play.


The First Morse Code Transmission

Morse's telegraph couldn't transmit voices or written characters. Yet by capitalizing on those electric pulses, he devised a new way to send coded messages.

Documents show that the original Morse code was Morse's brainchild — despite rumors to the contrary. That said, he had a brilliant partner by the name ofAlfred Vail, who helped himrefine and expandthe system. Under the code, every letter in the English language — along with most punctuation marks and each number from zero through nine — was given a unique, corresponding set of short and long pulses.


“长”普尔ses came to be known as "dashes" while the short ones were called "dots." In this iteration of the code, not all dashes were created equal; some lastedlongerthan others. And the spaces between pulses varied widely (depending on the context).

Soon enough, Morse got to show off his electric cipher. In 1843, Congress handed him a $30,000 grant to build an experimental long-distance telegraph between Washington, D.C. and Baltimore, Maryland.

The moment of truth came on May 24, 1844. Sitting in the U.S. Capitol's Supreme Court chamber, Morse sent a coded message along to Vail, who was waiting in Baltimore at the other end of the line.

Morse knewjust what to say. At the suggestion of a friend's daughter, he transmitted a quote from the biblical book of Numbers:"What hath God wrought."

Morse code
Mezzo-soprano opera singer Ada Jones is seen here tapping out Morse code messages from her kitchen table. Note the Morse code alphabet hanging on the wall.
Library of Congress


摩尔斯电码Goes Global

Long-distance telegraph lines spread like wildfire over the next few decades. So did Samuel Morse's code. During the Civil War,President Abraham Lincolnused it to keep abreast of battlefield developments. And speaking ofHonest Abe, when Western Union completed the firsttranscontinental telegraphline in 1861, Lincoln received its first message — a dispatch sent all the way from San Francisco to D.C.

But as Morse code took hold in other countries, problems emerged. To address these, German telegraph inspectorFriedrich Clemens Gerke简化了系统在1848年。其他的变化, he did away with the extra-long dashes and revised many of the individual number and letter codes.


After some additional tweaks were made, this new edition was dubbed "International Morse Code." Meanwhile, the original version was retroactively labeled "American Morse Code." Outside Civil War reenactments, the latter isall but extincttoday.

Yet, International Morse code was in for a bright future.


Learning the Basics of Morse Code

In the international code, a "dash" isthree times longerthan a "dot." On paper, "-" is the symbol for a dash while every "." represents a dot. "E" is a simple letter; it consists of just one "." Other characters are a bit more intricate. For example, "-.-." means "C."

If you're dealing with a letter that features multiple dots and/or dashes, there should be a pause equivalent to the length of one dot in between those components. The pauses that separate entire letters are longer, equal to three dots. And individual words should be divided by even longer pauses measuring seven dots long.


No Morse code phrase is more iconic than "SOS." A universally recognized distress signal, SOS was first adopted as such by German telegraphers in the year 1905. Why'd they pick this letter combo? Because in International Morse Code, "S" is three dots and "O" is three dashes. See, "dot-dot-dot-dash-dash-dash-dot-dot-dot" (...---...) is an easy sequence to remember — even when you're in grave peril.

Morse code alphabet
The Morse code alphabet has been in place since the late 19th century and is still used today, despite our digitally dominated communications.
Public Domain


Applications Past and Present

Although it was explicitly designed for the telegraph, people found other ways to utilize Morse Code. With the dawn ofradiotelegraph machinesin the 1890s, coded messages could travel via radio waves. Likewise, some purely visual media have long histories with International Morse Code. Beginning in 1867, ships began using onboardblinker lightsto flash signals at each other.

Then there's the case of Jeremiah Denton, Jr. An American navy pilot (and future senator), he was captured during the Vietnam War. In a forced appearance on North Vietnamese television, Denton was coerced into saying that his captors were treating him well behind enemy lines. But his eyes told a不同的故事. By blinking in sequence, he used Morse code to spell out the word "torture."


Later in the 20th century, the code was largely phased out. The U.S. Coast Guard hasn't used it in an official capacitysince 1995and modern ships are far more reliant on satellite communications systems. However,Uncle Sam's Navy is still training intelligence specialists to master the code.

Another group that's showing it some love is theInternational Morse Code Preservation Society— a coalition of amateur radio operators with thousands of members around the globe. So while the golden age of dots and dashes may be over, Morse code's still hanging in there. No distress signal required.


Originally Published: Jan 14, 2020


What is Morse code?
摩尔斯电码is a method of communication in which characters are sequenced in two different signal durations using dots and dashes. These codes are transmitted as electrical pulses of varied lengths. It was invented by Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail.
Is Morse code still used?
摩尔斯电码is popular among amateur radio operators. It is also used to send emergency signals.
How do you use Morse code?
摩尔斯电码uses an alphabet made up of dots and dashes (for instance, the letter "s" is three dots and "o" is three dashes.) It is used by tapping the combination of dots and dashes needed and pausing for the correct gap duration. There are longer gaps between words than letters in a word. The duration of gaps and the number of dots and dashes used determines what words or numbers the person is trying to convey via Morse Code.
What is the Morse code machine called?
The machine used to receive Morse code was known as a telegraph.
How do you read Morse code?
摩尔斯电码comprises of two signals: dots and dashes. Learning to recognize these signals and the spaces between each dot and dash is imperative to learning Morse Code. The dots used are simple periods while the dashes are long horizontal lines that appear like hyphens.

