Body Systems

Your body is pretty amazing. At any given point you have many biological processes going on -- circulatory, digestive, brain & central nervous systems and more. Learn about these body systems as well as the eye, ears, nose and throat.

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If you find yourself running to the bathroom the minute you get home, experts posit this is a case of mind over bladder.

ByAlia Hoyt

Colorblindness affects around 300 million people worldwide. What is it and how can glasses help?

ByMelanie Radzicki McManus

Although we've often been told that dogs have a superior sense of smell to people, a new report says there's little difference.

ByAlia Hoyt


Plenty of theories exist for why drinking an entire gallon of milk in one sitting is a challenge often undertaken, infrequently accomplished. Who's right?

BySamantha Sestanovich

From killer sausages to canceling crows' feet, botulinum toxin has come a long way. Botoxwurst, anyone?

ByLaurie L. Dove

Careful with that chopping knife! If you lose a fingertip, it's probably gone forever. With kids, however, that's not always the case. Why is that?

ByKate Kershner

Maybe if you look at it with only one eye -- in the dark.

ByKaren Kirkpatrick


And it's not because of all that screen time.

ByMelanie Radzicki McManus

Scientists discover that using a feed additive can decrease cow burps by 30 percent, vastly reducing greenhouse gas.

ByDave Roos

Does vocal fry signal the most annoying end of times? Or is it just part of a natural language progression?

ByOisin Curran

Think your peepers are passé? Some cutting-edge cosmetic procedures can take your brown eyes to bright blue — with a few inherent risks.

ByLaurie L. Dove


Poetry is full of references to salty and bitter tears, but there's not much about bloody tears. Besides movie villains who weep blood, is this phenomenon real?

ByLaurie L. Dove

Tired of standing on tiptoes when you pose for a photo with friends? If you're an adult looking to add a few inches to your frame, you might be out of luck.

ByLaurie L. Dove

In some settings, you just can't heave a giant sneeze. If you hold back during a meeting or date, you're exhibiting decorum. Could you also be making a death wish?

ByLaurie L. Dove

It's hard to imagine being thankful for mucus when you've got a nose full of it, but if it all went away you'd really be in trouble.

ByLaurie L. Dove


Smelling fecal matter is gross enough, so the possibility that tiny bits of poop are actually getting into your nose is outright disgusting. But should you be worried?

ByLaurie L. Dove

Earwax might seem like just another gross bodily substance, but it serves a very important function in the health of your ear canal.

ByLaurie L. Dove

Tiny little babies are so sweet and cuddly. That is until you have to change their poopy diaper. What in the world is it that makes their poop so foul?

ByLaurie L. Dove

Boogers are more than an annoyance. Your body makes them for a very specific purpose — and it's not to gross out other people.

ByLaurie L. Dove


We all pass gas, but not all of us like to talk about it — or study it to figure out how quickly it travels out of the body.

ByLaurie L. Dove

As you're wiping away the crust from your eyes in the morning, do you ever ponder why it forms in the first place?

ByLaurie L. Dove

Any doctor will tell you not to stick a cotton swab in your ear, although most of us disregard the warning. Luckily, there are safer ways to remove earwax.

ByLaurie L. Dove

We're taught that it's impolite to pass gas in front of others, but could holding it in cause you health problems?

ByLaurie L. Dove


They say there are two types of people who pick their nose – those who do and those who lie about doing it. Would you be more prone to admit it if you found out it might be good for you? Let's see if it is.

ByJennifer Sellers

A swish of mouthwash after brushing makes our mouths feel fresh and clean. But some scientists think your mouthwash could be hurting your immune system. Is there something sinister lurking in your oral care routine?

ByJennifer Sellers