How to Start a Gift Basket Business

People send gift baskets for many different occasions, including birthdays, anniversaries, and to cheer up a sick person. You can make gift baskets containing flowers, fruit, candies and chocolates, toys or all of the above [source:Delightful Deliveries]. Starting a gift basket business isn't difficult and doesn't demand a large outlay of cash. There are many advantages to owning a gift basket business, with the best one being that you can start it out of your home. Read on and find out how to start a gift basket business.

  • Register your business' name, obtain a tax identification number and obtain any necessary licenses.
  • Decide where to locate your business. You can start your business at home or you can open a store. If you decide to open a store, look for an area that has a lot of pedestrian traffic, so people will see your window display.
  • Find the right suppliers to supply your baskets, wrapping paper and ribbons, food items, toys or any other products you may need to put in the baskets. Do comparative shopping to find the best products at the best prices.
  • Prepare five to 10 standard gift baskets, such as gourmet food baskets, toiletry baskets and shower baskets. Prepare two or three specialty baskets, so people can get different ideas. Let the customers know that you will custom make baskets for any occasion.
  • Obtain any special equipment you may need, such as a shrink wrap machine or a special box wrapping machine, if you will be sending your baskets by mail.
  • Advertise through any media available to you. Although satisfied customers are the best advertisement, you will have to actively advertise as well. Make nice brochures and advertise in local newspapers or in the yellow pages. You may also consider starting your own Web site [source:Business Service Center].


