How to Know when Your Computer Battery is Dead

A CMOS battery lasts up to five years, and It provides power even when the computer is off and allows the CMOS to save all the settings.Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty Images

All personalcomputershave a smallbatteryon the motherboard that provides power to the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) chip, hence the name CMOS battery. The chip has the information about all the system's configuration, such as the hard disk, date and time, etc. It provides power even when the computer is off and allows the CMOS to save all the settings [source:Indiana University]. You can expect the CMOS battery to last for up to five years. The more your computer is used, the longer the battery will last. How do you know that your CMOS battery is dying? Here are some tell-tale signs that your battery is dying:

  • Invalid configurationwill appear on your screen.
  • Run Setupappears on your screen.
  • Press F1 to continueappears on your screen.
  • Invalid drive specificationappears on the screen after you've pressed F1.
  • Clock Erroror时钟信息appears on your screen.
  • The clock on the computer loses time.
  • The computer is constantly showing the wrong date.

Should you experience any of these symptoms, it's time to change the battery in your computer. If you don't change the battery, the battery will die. Your battery is dead when your screen is blank and you have thus lost your CMOS memory [source:Smart Computing].


Frequently Answered Questions

How long do computer CMOS batteries last?
3-5 years

