How to Find a Singles Sports Club

Young man and young woman talking on tennis court
Sports Image GalleryWith the popularity of singles' sports clubs, you can be selective in choosing a group, narrowing your options by a specific activity or interest. See moresports pictures.
David De Lossy/Photodisc/Thinkstock

If there's one thing singles are looking for, it's othersingles-- not only to increase dating prospects, but to enjoy the company of other adults without being a third wheel.

And if you've ever read or solicited advice on where to meet others who are uncoupled, you've probably heard the same guidance over and over: take a class, join a club, and chat with people at the gym.


The reason these suggestions are so often repeated is that they are legitimately successful tactics. You have a high probability of meeting other singles -- even a romantic match -- if you get involved in special-interest groups likesports leaguesand athletic teams [source:Black]。

This is assuming, of course, that you enjoy sports and athletic activities. If not, perhaps a gardening or basket-weaving class will be a better place for you. The key is to do something you like. Dating expert Dr. Neil Clark Warren consistently gives the advice that shared attributes and interests are crucial to relationship survival, and should therefore guide you in your search for a partner [source:eHarmony]。甚至理想与能源l找到伴侣evel similar to your own [source:eHarmony]。This is what makes singles sports clubs so perfect for those who are both athletic and unattached.

So if you're ready to take the first step, lace up your sneakers and click on the next page. We're going to show you what to look for to find a singles sports club that's just right for you.



Before you determine what to look for in a singles sports club, you need to know where to look. Fortunately, finding such organizations is a simple task. There are dozens -- perhaps hundreds -- of services devoted specifically to athletic groups for singles. You can do aWeb searchon the topic to visit one of these sites. Once you've selected one, you can usually find a nearby organization by simply typing in your ZIP code or geographic location.

With the popularity of these types of clubs, you can get pretty selective in choosing a group. You can narrow down your options by selecting a specific activity of interest, like cycling, running or softball. And, often, you can even find a club tailored to your particular demographic or lifestyle, such as lifestage-, religion-, single parent- or LGBT-specific groups.


If you've searched for singlessports cluband haven't found one that meets your needs, you might consider creating your own. Advertising your group and recruiting other members is easy to do through Web sites like

After finding (or creating) a singles sports club, there really isn't much more effort involved. Just be sure to stock up any equipment or apparel you may need. If you join an equestrian club, invest in some new riding clothes. If it's a golfing club you're meeting up with, make sure you have a full set of irons and woods. Beyond the basics of your sport or activity, you shouldn't have to invest too much more money. Many clubs offer free membership. Others may have minimal fees to support the club's activities.

Keep reading for lots more information on singles and sports.


Lots More Information

Related Articles

  • Black, Jackie. "Meeting Your Match: Cracking the Code to Successful Relationships." AuthorHouse. 2007.
  • "Find local sports partners and sporty singles." (April 1, 2011)
  • eHarmony. "Do Opposites Attract? (April 1, 2011)
  • Rene, Misha. "Best places to meet singles in the city." Helium: The Single Life. April 16, 2007. (April 1, 2011)

