Green Technology

Green technology is technology that produces clean energy, helps repair environmental damages or offers solutions to wasteful practices.

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Cellulosic ethanol can be made from any old stem, leaf or tree trunk. Farm wastes, grass clippings and recycled newspaper will work, too. So when can we expect this alternative fuel to arrive at gas stations?

BySusan L. Nasr

Children love to play, so why not harness the energy of their motion to help support a community. How does the PlayPump convert the push of a merry-go-round into clean water?

ByStephanie Watson

You probably ignore most billboards, especially those annoying ones that read, "If you lived here, you could be home by now!" But what if that giant ad you drove past were alive?

ByRobert Lamb


Eco-plastic seems like an oxymoron, and it very well may be. What exactly is eco-plastic, and does it really help the environment?

ByJulia Layton

There's nothing that innovative about a tricycle or a water filtration system -- but when the two are combined, it's a different story. The Aquaduct Mobile Water Filtration Vehicle might be the answer to water scarcity and contamination.

ByCristen Conger

Many of us take clean water for granted, but hundreds of millions of people have no access to it. Luckily, technologies like LifeStraw can help make water safer for individuals and families who desperately need it.

ByMartha Barksdale&Kate Kershner

As the symbol of innovation, the incandescent light bulb is not very innovative. Luckily, there's a new type of light bulb -- a greener one -- that stands poised to replace Edison's most famous invention as the icon of ideation.

ByWilliam Harris


If you drive a compressed natural gas vehicle, you'll soon learn that fill-up stations are few and far between. Is there an alternative way to gas up these alternative-fuel vehicles?

ByMaria Trimarchi

Is the remote control dead again? Or does the flashlight need another eight new batteries? The wind might just be able to save you a trip to buy new AAs.

ByJulia Layton

If you've ever used a solar-powered calculator, you've experienced the power of thin-film solar cells. But can spray-on solar panels take that technology one step further?

ByMaria Trimarchi

When you get that gas or electric bill at the end of the month, you may swear off long, hot showers. But if your resolution always seems to cool after a few days, you might be a good candidate for a solar water heater.

ByJulia Layton


If the planet is truly warming, we could be in for some catastrophic results, according to some scientists. It's no wonder that a few are theorizing some dramatic methods to cool the Earth's surface.

ByJohn Fuller

Imagine finishing off a nice cup of morning coffee and then, instead of throwing the grounds into the trash, pouring them into a cartridge where they become printer ink.

ByJacob Silverman

LED light bulbs have taken over the market. But what are their pros and cons?

ByFrancisco Guzman

Solar air conditioners take advantage of the sun at its brightest and use its energy to cool you during the hottest part of the day. What are we waiting for?

ByMaria Trimarchi


If you turn off the lights in your computer room, you'll probably see the glowing eyes of vampire electronics peering back at you. A smart power strip can help you cut down on how much energy they waste.

ByNathan Chandler

For plenty of people, getting a drink of water on the hottest of days is not as easy as filling a glass at the tap. The Slingshot aims to do something about that.

BySusan L. Nasr

While you shouldn't expect to find a "flying electric" option at the airport anytime soon, electrically powered aircraft not only exist, but the technology continues to evolve at an encouraging rate.

ByRobert Lamb

The Duke Smart Home isn't your typical residence hall. It's a live-in laboratory, complete with LEED Platinum certification. What's inside (and out) that makes it so special?

ByMaria Trimarchi


Ever wish the lawn would just mow itself? Well, the Husqvarna Automower is about as close as you'll get to that dream -- with the added bonus of using the sun for power.

ByMaria Trimarchi

A little friendly competition never hurts to stir up motivation, right? That's the idea behind Tweet-A-Watt, a power-monitoring gadget that connects your power usage to your Twitter account.

ByJulia Layton

From toothbrushes to iPhones, we fill our lives with a seemingly unending string of gizmos -- all of which depend on electricity to give us what we need to make it through the day. What if you could generate that power?

ByRobert Lamb

世界将高达20%的喝酒water down various drains. That's a lot of water going to waste. Waterless toilets could squelch the squandering.

BySusan L. Nasr


Left unchecked, friction between the moving parts of an engine would turn it into an inert piece of sculpture. Clean, filtered oil keeps the parts moving with relatively little resistance.

ByWilliam Harris

Solar energy is abundant and infinitely renewable. Therefore, it's not surprising to see the proliferation of devices that rely on the sun -- especially solar aircraft.

BySusan L. Nasr