Cockroach Farms Turn Food Trash Into Treasure

cockroach farms, food waste
在中国许多城市正在尝试新的方法o deal with the problem of food waste: cockroaches. This is a shelf of cockroaches at Shandong Qiaobin Agricultural Technology Co., in Jinan, China.Wochit news YouTubescreenshot

The world has a big trash problem. Growing urban populations make more waste than landfills can handle. One type of trash – food waste – produces a lot of methane, afar worsegreenhouse gas than carbon monoxide (CO). Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere, which fuelsglobal warming. Somefood wastehad been used aspig feed, but the practice was banned after several outbreaks of African swine fever.

Shandong Qiaobin Agricultural Technology Company, in Jinan, China, has ananswer to the overflow. The company's plant houses a billioncockroachesthat eat their way through 50 tons (45 metric tons) of food scraps a day, a daily mountain of garbage otherwise headed for the landfill.


The food waste is collected from restaurants, and any plastic, glass or metal is removed. The remainder is blended into mush and piped into the building. Inside, roaches thrive in the warm, humid and dark environment and on a never-ending garbage buffet.

Cockroaches happily make more cockroaches in this optimal environment – a truly renewable resource powered by table scraps. The bugs are also a good protein sources for pigs and other livestock, so when roaches "buy the farm," they're ground into food for farm animals. The company plans to open three new plants in 2019 with the goal of handling a third of Jinan's food waste.

Other cockroach farms are popping up around the country. The biggest is pharmaceutical company Gooddoctor, which breeds 6 billion adult roaches a year – thelargest colonyof cockroaches ever. Crushed roaches are the main ingredient in the company's popular healing potion sold to more than 4,000 hospitals nationwide.

Good for waste disposal, good for business, but what if all those roaches somehow got out? In 2013, at least a million escaped when a farm was vandalized. Authorities from the local board of health performed a large-scale disinfection while urging residents to stay calm. For many, easier said than done.


