
By:帕特里克·基格(Patrick J. Kiger)

当作物轮作和其他方法不起作用时,一些有机农民转向有机杀虫剂来节省作物。看更多green science pictures
Stephen Swain摄影/出租车/Getty Images

如果您不是一个认真的奉献者organic foods,您可能会假设“有机”和“杀虫剂”一词是互斥的。但是再猜猜。即使是赢得美国农业部认证的有机标签的农民,也要求他们遵守环境可持续和健康意识的方法,也允许一些摆动的空间使用某些合成化学物质和农药来控制虫子,杂草和杂草疾病。基本上,当首选的非化学方法(例如昆虫陷阱,农作物旋转和手动吹动)不足以保护农作物免受破坏不足时,这个例外就开始了[来源:USDA]。也就是说,允许的人造助手通常不是DDT ILK的重型虫子杀手。其中大多数是相对温和的物质。例如,服用碳酸氢钾。这是一种制成化学物质,是针对白粉病的有效杀菌剂,但并不会给人类带来任何明显的长期健康问题(即使它可以干扰小鼠的繁殖)[来源:来源:FDA]。

Even so, a lot of hardcoreorganic farmers——和diy有机园丁wouldn't even think of using anything artificial on their precious fruits and vegetables. Instead, if they feel the need to use a pesticide (or an insecticide, which is simply a type of pesticide that targets bugs), they turn to an assortment of natural substances. Some are gleaned from exotic foreign plants. For example, sabadilla is a bug repellant made from seeds of a South American lily, and Ryania, an antidote to European corn borers and harmful worms, is concocted from the ground stems and roots of a South American shrub. They also utilize more commonplace substances, such as a puree made from cornstarch and crushed tomato leaves -- it contains solanine, a chemical that has an inhibiting effect on black spot fungus [source:亚伯拉罕]。


But are these organic bug and fungus fighters really effective? And more importantly, are they even safe? First, let's delve into the various types of organic insecticides.

Types of Organic Insecticides

Inga Spence/光纤维/Getty Images

You might assume thatinsecticides是最近的发展。但实际上,农民一直在使用各种物质来防止害虫肆虐农作物数千年。公元前2500年,苏美尔人使用硫磺杀死昆虫,几个世纪以来,世界各地的农民也尝试了其他种类的化学杀虫剂 - 甚至是对人类极为危险的砷和铅等物质。信不信由你,在1940年代,合成化学杀虫剂的引入被视为一种治疗方法,可以永久消除害虫。但是事实证明,害虫具有非常有弹性,强大的化学物质有时会伤害其他良性物种,甚至是人[来源:麦金尼,施洛奇和Yonavjak]。这使许多人重新考虑了较老,苛刻的方法 - 并尝试从世界其他地区从植物和土壤中收集的新物质。

Basically, there are two broad classes of pesticides that can be used in有机农业, according toUSDAregulations. In the first category are substances that are synthetic compounds not generally found in nature, but which have been deemed by scientists to be safe and non-threatening to both food consumers and the environment. These pesticides usually are simple compounds that include naturally occurring substances like copper or sulfur [source:Langois]。


In the second category are naturally occurring substances, many of which are extracted from plants or from the earth itself [source:Langois]。一种这样的有机农药是Spinosad,它是由Saccharopolyspora spinosa生产的,这是一种罕见的细菌,在1982年的土壤样品中发现了。土壤甜美,健康的香气。但是这种气味可能具有欺骗性 - 至少如果您是科罗拉多州马铃薯甲虫或毛毛虫。当这些虫子摄入Spinosad时,要么直接接触它,要么通过食用用化学药品喷洒的叶子,就可以用作有效的神经毒药。这些生物失去了对肌肉的控制,无助地死亡。虽然那种悲惨的命运似乎有些不错,这对某些人对地球的友善感到不安,但重要的是要记住,如果那些小的自由装载机吞噬了您的蔬菜,那么您将不会有任何东西可以放入素食主义者中炖。从好的方面来说,科学家发现Spinosad对包括人类在内的哺乳动物的毒性非常低,并且似乎不会造成癌症或神经系统损害[来源:康奈尔大学]。

OK, so we understand where organic pesticides come from and how they work. But are they really better than the non-organic version, or at the least safer?



一堆洗净的有机胡萝卜等待在佛蒙特州的Clear Brook有机农场冷藏。“width=
一堆洗净的有机胡萝卜等待在佛蒙特州的Clear Brook有机农场冷藏。
罗伯特·尼克斯伯格(Robert Nickelsberg/)Getty Images


一方面,一些天然杀虫剂实际上与实验室生产的合成杀虫剂非常相似。一个例子是有效的天然毒物丙吡鼠,它源自西南亚天然气的菊苣雏菊的动力,干的花头。吡啶聚集在结构上与一类称为拟除虫菊酯的合成杀虫剂非常相似 - 但与它们不同,它已被批准用于有机培养。吡啶并是一种快速作用的毒药,可破坏昆虫的神经系统并引起瘫痪。在少量的情况下,吡喃植物可能不足以杀死虫子,但是当与其他物质(例如肉豆蔻油)结合使用时,它变得更加有效。但是有多安全?除非大量吞咽,否则该粉末对人类是相对无毒的。它在暴露于元素时会迅速分解,因此食物或水积聚的可能性很小。但是,吡喃邦确实有缺点。这是对像Bluegill和Lake Trout这样的鱼类的危险,这就是为什么organic farmers鼓励在使用它之前先尝试其他害虫控制方法[来源:康奈尔大学]。


But organic pesticides are still better than those old, harsh chemicals, right? Maybe, maybe not. In a 2010 study published in the online scientific journal PLos One, Canadian environmental and agricultural researchers compared the effectiveness and environmental impact of organic-approved pesticides with synthetic ones in thwarting soybean-eating aphids. They found that the organic pesticides had a similar or even greater harmful effect on other species and the overall environment, in part because much larger doses of the organic pesticides were required to get the job done. "These data bring into caution the widely held assumption that organic pesticides are more environmentally benign than synthetic ones," they concluded. They recommend that, instead of focusing on whether a particular chemical is natural or synthetic, organic farmers should be allowed to assess all pesticides for their impacts before making a selection [source:巴莱]。

同样重要的是要记住,杀虫剂不是保护农作物免受害虫的唯一方法。其他非化学方法,例如轮作,不仅有减少昆虫损害的病史,而且还保护土壤的生育能力[来源:Peel]。So, if you're planning to groworganic foods,您可能需要首先考虑这些方法,并依靠杀虫剂作为最后的手段。



Related Articles

  • 亚伯拉罕, Katy and Doc. "Guide to Organic Pesticides." Mother Earth News. February/March 1994. (March 29, 2012) http://www.motherearthnews.com/Organic-Gardening/1994-02-01/Guide-To-Organic-Pesticides.aspx
  • Bahlai C.A。;,Xue Y;McCreary C.M。;,Schaafsma A.W.;而且,Hallett R.H.“选择有机农药而不是合成农药可能无法有效地减轻大豆的环境风险。”PLOS ONE。2010年(2012年3月31日)
  • 丹莱恩(Kathleen)。“什么是有机农业?”爱荷华州。(2012年3月31日)http://extension.agron.iastate.edu/organicag/history.html
  • “Material Fact Sheet: Pyretheum." Cornell.edu. (March 31, 2012) http://web.pppmb.cals.cornell.edu/resourceguide/mfs/10pyrethrum.php
  • “Material Fact Sheet: Spinosad." Cornell.edu. (March 31, 2012) http://web.pppmb.cals.cornell.edu/resourceguide/mfs/13spinosad.php
  • 麦金尼,迈克尔·L。罗伯特·M。和洛根(Logan)的Yonavjak。“环境科学:系统和解决方案。”琼斯和巴特利特。2007. (March 31, 2012) http://books.google.com/books?id=xBGffKNfsq8C&pg=PA395&dq=history+of+organic+pesticides&hl=en&sa=X&ei=_253T5r-NOiH0QH-wbCgDQ&ved=0CDgQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=历史%20of%20oRangic%20固化剂&f = false
  • “全国允许和禁止的物质清单。”USDA.GOV。March 29, 2012. (March 29, 2012) http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=3aaed72799f5f8848c1cc1dbc7320dc7&rgn=div8&view=text&node=7: = 7
  • “有机生产和处理要求。”USDA.GOV。March 29, 2012. (March 29, 2012) http://ecfr.gpoaccess.gov/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=ecfr&sid=3aaed72799f5f8848c1cc1dbc7320dc7&rgn=div8&view=text&node=7: = 7
  • Peel, Michael D. "Crop Rotations for Increased Fertility." NDSU.edu. January 1998. (March 31, 2012) http://www.ag.ndsu.edu/pubs/plantsci/crops/eb48-1.htm
  • “碳酸氢钾。”fda.gov。2006年10月31日。(2012年3月29日)http://www.webcitation.org/5wxwh4hfa


