
Engineering is the discipline of design and construction of mechanical devices, equipment, structures and public works systems. Topics include aircraft technologies, buildings, bridges, robotics and heavy machinery.

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SCIFs are spy-proof, highly secure facilities designed for viewing and working with sensitive national security secrets. We talk to a former general counsel for the NSA to find out how they work.

ByPatrick J. Kiger

Computer-generated artificial celebrities, created with cutting-edge technology, have become some of the hottest social media stars on the planet, selling everything from insurance to perfume.

ByPatrick J. Kiger

Crinkle crankle walls undulate, mimicking the shape of a snake's slither. But what's the purpose of these wavy walls?

ByJennifer Walker-Journey


Splish-splash is not the sound you want to hear when you're standing in front of a urinal. A new design is being touted as the answer to the splashless pee.

ByKate Morgan

Bridges connect people and places, with inspired engineering and views that can't be beat. Here are the 10 longest in the world.


The Kola Superdeep Borehole is the deepest man-made hole on Earth. It's so deep, locals swear you can hear the screams of souls tortured in hell. Why did the Russians dig this deep, and why did they stop?

ByJennifer Walker-Journey

Is ChatGPT the end of education as we know it, or just the beginning?

ByJesslyn Shields


In the last few decades, there's been a sort of arms race to build ever-taller skyscrapers. Which seven currently rank as the world's tallest buildings?

ByAlia Hoyt

Saudi Arabia's proposal to build a 106-mile-long, self-sufficient, road- and car-free, one-building city would make it the first of its kind in the world.


At 984 feet tall, Paris' landmark Eiffel Tower is no picnic to maintain, so how is it done and who is responsible for keeping it standing and painted?

ByCarrie Whitney, Ph.D.

Maillardet's Automaton, built around 1800, can write poems and draw pictures and was a precursor to today's sophisticated robots.

ByPatrick J. Kiger


Some of the most momentous occasions in the life of the United Kingdom have taken place in Westminster Abbey, including the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II, Sept. 19, 2022.

ByKate Morgan

Before 1933, getting around London on the massively confusing Tube system was a nightmare. That's when draftsman Harry Beck stepped in and revolutionized map design.

ByPatrick J. Kiger