
Do you want to volunteer your time to a worthy cause? When you're going to volunteer you should look for a charity whose cause is close to your heart. Read these volunteer articles to get informed.

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Hundreds of organizations throughout the country are working to help the more than 37 million Americans who are currently living in poverty. So how do you choose one to volunteer with?

ByElizabeth Abbess

All people are born with the capacity for conscience and therefore deserve to be treated with dignity -- this is the premise behind human rights. So how do we protect our inalienable rights?

ByGallagher Flinn

Today, the total world population is almost 7 billion people. And of that 7 billion, more than 950 million people worldwide are suffering from hunger.

ByElizabeth Abbess


When it comes to monitoring food safety, the enforcers range from international operations like the World Health Organization to huge domestic organizations like the FDA and USDA to your local health inspector.

BySarah Siddons

估计有4190万人甲型肝炎e been forced to flee their homes and homelands due to conflicts over race, religion, nationality and politics. Refugee charity organizations work to assist these displaced people.

BySarah Siddons

AIDS is a global epidemic, and the only way to counter its spread is by having a well-informed global population. AIDS organizations work to diligently to provide AIDS education, testing and support worldwide.

ByEleanor Duse

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. But October isn't the only time people come out to support breast cancer awareness -- organizations focused on the disease are fully operational year round.

ByJuliet Kaman


In the last four decades, hundreds of gay rights organizations have sprung up to win the right to work, go to school, get housing, have children, serve in the military and receive medical care without fear of discrimination or violence.

BySarah Siddons

Faith-based charities like the Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, Volunteers of America, Lutheran Social Services and Jewish Family & Children's Service provide a huge array of services to the nation's sick, elderly and poor.

BySarah Siddons

Probably the best reason of all -- and the most popular -- for volunteering is to help others by making a difference and giving back to your community. But what are some of the other best reasons to volunteer?

BySarah Siddons

There are many volunteer opportunities to help those who are handicapped, but what if you are handicapped and you want to be the one volunteering to help others?

ByElizabeth Abbess


你已经决定你侄女的课后教练soccer team. The next day you read about a volunteer coach who is being sued by some parents. Does that mean you need liability insurance before you start coaching?

BySarah Siddons

Grants by definition are given to volunteers. The idea is to provide financial help to those who are trying to make a positive impact on society.

ByElizabeth Abbess

Social Security disability insurance benefits can usually only be received if you cannot work because of an illness or disability. Does this mean you can't volunteer?

BySarah Siddons

Do you feel sad, tired and stressed out? Are you overwhelmed by all the things you have to do? These signs could indicate that you're suffering from a silent epidemic: volunteer burnout.

ByJohn Barrymore


While working in the United States can be difficult for a foreigner, volunteering is usually pretty simple. Forget the hassle of work visas. As long as you aren't being compensated for your volunteer work, you shouldn't need one.

ByElizabeth Abbess

Feelings of guilt at spending an armful of money for a holiday when others are struggling financially can ultimately rob you of the rewards of your respite. One way to ensure you have a good time -- guilt-free -- is to plan a volunteer vacation.

ByLibby Little

Every year, 62 million Americans volunteer at schools, hospices, community centers and homeless shelters. All of these people deserve a collective pat on the back, which they get during National Volunteer Week in April.

BySarah Siddons

So, are you finally ready to quit the 9-to-5 corporate grind and save the world? Here's all you need to know about starting your own nonprofit organization.

ByLibby Little