How Yahoo Mail Works

Yahoo mail is one of the most popular free e-mail services.
© David Paul Morris/Getty Images

A world without the convenience ofe-mailis hard to imagine -- which may explain, in part, why millions of us have turned to Yahoo Mail and other free Web-based e-mail services for fast communications. WhileAOL早些时候,天才和CompuServe,雅虎(yhoo . o:行情)。entered the field with Yahoo Mail in 1997 and has become a leader with an estimated 250 million users worldwide [sources:ComputerworldandSearch Engine Journal].

No matter which e-mail service we use, many of us use it frequently. A March 2007 survey conducted by the Pew Internet and American Life Project indicated that 71 percent of U.S. adults use theInternet. Among those users, 91 percent send or read e-mail online, and 56 percent use e-mail every day. Looking at e-mails sent worldwide, technology research firm IDC estimated that nearly 97 billion e-mails would be sent daily in 2007 [source: IDC].


Check Yahoo Mail and what it offers, and you'll see a lot more than simply being able to send and receive e-mail messages. For starters, you can do that in 21 languages. A Yahoo Mail account also provides unlimited message storage, e-mail search, contact lists, personalization,spamblockers andvirusscanning.

Launched in August 2007, the new version of Yahoo Mail allows users to choose how they want to communicate, switching among e-mail,chatand text-messaging options. This version also adds keyboard shortcuts, direct access through RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds to changing Web content and mobile access from Internet-equippedsmartphonesandPDAs.

In this article, we'll take a closer look at these and other features of Yahoo Mail and how to use them. First, let's see how easy setting up a Yahoo Mail account is.