Can Humans Catch 'Zombie Deer Disease'?

Deer silhouette
Zombie deer disease actually can spread to humans.Ruben Earth/Moment/Getty Images

至少在22 statesand portions of Canada, deer are dying from a neurological disease that has some people talking about a zombie deer-pocalypse. The deer, dying of a malady theCenters for Disease Control and Preventioncalls "chronic wasting disease," stumble around with vacant facial expressions as they drool, drop dangerous amounts of weight and completely lose their fear of people. But can this "zombie deer disease" spread to humans, infecting our brains the way mad cow disease has done in years past?

Unfortunately, the answer is "yes." Likemad cow disease, which is a brain-infecting bovine spongiform encephalopathy that crosses the animal-human barrier, zombie deer disease can be transmitted to people. The infectious proteins responsible for chronic wasting disease are calledprions, and they are known for their ability toevolve into infectionsthat can attack other species. The concern is that people who eat infected deer meat may get sick, too. And deer aren't the only worrisome creatures. In addition to white-tailed deer, mule deer and reindeer, moose and elk are contracting chronic wasting disease, as well.


The good news is that, as of Feb. 5, 2018, there have been no reports anywhere in the world of people contracting zombie deer disease. This is especially positive, considering the disease has been around since 1967, when it was discovered in deer living in Colorado. And, since consumption of venison and elk meat by people is ever-popular, there's a very real concern about transmission. This is especially true for hunters, whom the CDC cautions not to harvest meat from areas known to be infected with chronic wasting disease.


