Will you have sinus problems with a gluten allergy?

Anallergyof any type causes the body'simmune systemto respond to the "invasion" of a foreign product by producing large quantities of immunoglobulin E (IgE), an antibody that produces inflammation-causing histamine. Consequently, inflammatory conditions such as sinusitis are likely to be part of your body's response to gluten, if you have a gluten allergy. Inflammatory conditions can result in the production of mucous, leading to nasal congestion and sinus problems. While such inflammations may be caused by bacterial, fungal or viral infections, environmental and food allergies can also create similar symptoms.

There are a number of ways to determine the cause of your sinus problem. If it is caused by bacteria or fungal infections, then a course of antibiotics should quickly clear it up. If a virus is the cause, then the symptoms will resolve by themselves over a short time. However, if your sinus problems are caused by an allergy, such as a gluten allergy, the only way to resolve it is to follow a life-long gluten-free diet.


A runny nose, congested sinuses, and recurring ear infections are some of the many symptoms of a gluten allergy. Food allergies can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms because the offending nutrients are digested and absorbed into the body, and then circulated throughout the body. Many people suffer from interminable sinus problems, including congestion and blocked ears. Many of them have taken rounds of antibiotics and have even undergone multiple surgeries, but have only enjoyed subtle, short-term relief from these symptoms. This is because they have only tackled the symptoms, but have failed to address the cause of these symptoms. Gluten allergies are often overlooked as a cause of allergic symptoms; however, if you have found that nothing seems to truly get rid of your frustrating sinus problem, then try eliminating all gluten products from your diet -- this just may reverse your symptoms.


