10 Lively Facts About the Day of the Dead

By:Dave Roos|
Day Of The Dead celebrations
A woman with her face painted takes part in the Day Of The Dead celebrations on Nov. 02, 2018 in Mexico City, Mexico.Carlos Tischler/Getty Images

Death is different inMexico. Credit the ancientAztecsand other pre-Hispanic civilizations, where death wasn't mourned, but seen as a natural continuation of life. Thousands of years later, the beloved fall holiday known asDía de los Muertosor Day of the Dead still captures this uniquely Mexican worldview, in which the dead come home once a year to visit, and the living dress up as high-class skeletons to wink in the face of death.


1. Day of the Dead Isn't 'Mexican Halloween'

Although they're celebrated at the same time of year and share an affinity for skulls and sweets, the origins ofHalloweenand Day of the Dead are completely different.

Halloween started as apre-Christian Celtic festival called Samhain. The Celts believed that the veil between the living and dead grew thin around the fall harvest — also the Celtic New Year — allowing ghosts and ghouls to slip in. The Celts dressed up as monsters and goblins to scare off evil spirits and have a little fun in the process.


When St. Patrickbrought Christianity to Irelandin the fifth century, the Church incorporated some of the pagan traditions ofSamhaininto All Hallows' Eve, observed Oct. 31. The modern holiday of Halloween was popularized in America by Irish immigrants.

Meanwhile, a version of Day of the Dead existed in pre-Hispanic Mexico as far back as 3,000 years ago (more on that in a minute). When the Spanish conquistadors arrived, they brought priests who converted the indigenous people by the sword. The old traditions surrounding the Day of the Dead proved harder to erase, so the Catholic Church folded them into the existing observances of All Saints' Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls' Day (Nov. 2).


2. The Aztecs Celebrated Day of the Dead

When the Spanish arrived in Mexico in the 16th century, they found flourishing indigenous cultures, the largest at the time being the Aztecs. The Spanish reported that the Aztecscelebrated a massive festivalevery August dedicated to the dead.

In Aztec mythology, the underworld was watched over by Mictecacihuatl, the Lady of the Dead. Her duty was to watch over the bones of past lives, which were also the source of new lives on Earth. Once a year, Mictecacihuatl would leave the underworld to check on her "living bones."


The Aztecs welcomed Mictecacihuatl and her husband Miclantecuhtl with a monthlong death festival in August filled with offerings and dance. Aztec sculptures of Mictecacihuatl and Miclantecuhtl portray them with skeleton faces and necklaces dangling with skulls and severed hands.


3. Day of the Dead is a Pagan-Christian Mashup

它被称为“宗教融合”,当现有的religious customs and even deities are folded into a new belief system. When the Aztecs and other indigenous Mexican groups fell to the Spanish, they wereforced to destroy their templesand pagan idols and replace them with cathedrals and the Saints.

But early Spanish missionaries knew that a conquered people would have an easier time accepting a new god and new traditions if they fit into an existing religious worldview and ritual calendar. And that's exactly what happened with the Day of the Dead.


Mexican indigenous religion venerated the dead, so the Catholic Church looked for existing Christian holidays that emphasized communion between the living and those beyond. All Saints' Day (Nov. 1) is a time for Christians toremember and honor fallen saintsnow in heaven. And All Souls' Day (Nov. 2) marks the time to pray for the souls of departed loved ones who may betrapped in Purgatorywaiting for admission to heaven.

It turned out that purging millennia of religious tradition wasn't as easy as moving the Aztec death festival from August to November. The Mexican people obeyed their Catholic conquerors, but they held tight to pre-Hispanic symbols like Mictecacihuatl and her skull necklace, which endure today as the skeleton-chicCatrinaandday-glo sugar skulls.


4. It's Not a Sad or Spooky Holiday

It's hard for outsiders, particularly Americans, to wrap their heads around Day of the Dead. In Western culture, death is something to be feared and the spirits of the dead are more likely to return as creepy ghosts than friendly visitors. So, the idea of spending an entire night camped out at a loved one's grave can seem both sad and terrifying.

But Day of the Dead is neither of those things. While Mexicans absolutely mourn the loss of loved ones and miss them terribly, that's not the point of Day of the Dead. Day of the Dead is a celebration of life — both here and beyond — when the souls of the departed come home for feasting and fun.


Band playing at tomb
一个乐队的成员在墓前of the Day Of The Dead celebrations at Cemetery of Iztapalapa on Nov. 02, 2018 in Mexico City. This is a popular custom.
Carlos Tischler/Getty Images

The colorful traditions surrounding Day of the Dead serve two purposes: 1) they help us remember, respect and celebrate loved ones who have passed, and 2) they let us laugh at death while poking fun at the living.

The Mexican poet and author Octavio Paz described this uniquely Mexican attitude toward death,writing that a Mexican person"is familiar with death, jokes about it, caresses it, sleeps with it, celebrates it; it is one of his favorite toys and his steadfast love."

Even the cemetery, a place that Westerners associate with mourning and fear, is tinged with laughter, music and colorful decorations on the Day of the Dead. Death, after all, is part of the human experience. So why not make it a little more fun?


5. Ofrendas Light the Way Home

We'll get back to the cemetery in a minute, but Day of the Dead really starts in the home with the building of anofrenda, a type of festive altar dedicated to a deceased loved one. Theofrendacan be small or large, humble or ornate, but it's sure to include a picture of the person who has passed on, plus some of their favorite foods and drinks to help them refuel after the long journey from the spirit world.

The path home is marked by flower petals scattered on and around the altar, smoky incense, candles and colorfulpapel picado, artfully cut pieces of crepe paper. The dominant color ofofrendasis the rich yellow of thecempasuchilflower, a Mexican variety of marigold. In the days approaching Day of the Dead, flower markets sell mounds of fragrant cempasuchil for decoratingofrendas, along with white baby's breath and purple-red cockscomb.


Day of the Dead altar
Colorful altars containing photos of the deceased as well as offerings of their favorite foods and beverages are constructed to honor the lives of children on Nov. 1 every year. This altar also haspapel picadodraped over it and sugar skulls on top. Usually altars are set up in homes but this one is a group effort.
Nina Raingold/Getty Images

6. It's Less a Vigil Than a Graveside Picnic

In the parts of Mexico where Day of the Dead is still traditionally observed — those include the Lake Patzcuaro region of Michoacán and Oaxaca, among others — much of the celebration centers around the local cemetery.

In the days leading up to Nov. 1, families will clean up the gravesite of a loved one. They'll pull out weeds, put a fresh coat of paint on iron fences and wipe down headstones. In humbler cemeteries, where a grave might only be marked with a simple, wooden cross, families will bring shovels and mound up fresh soil over the grave.


Then it's time to adorn the tomb. Just like the altar at home, these graveside ofrendas include lots of cempasuchil flowers, candles, and offerings of food and drink for the famished souls of the departed.

On the night of Nov. 1, the families gather around the grave wrapped in shawls and blankets against the cold fall air. They bring food and drinks for themselves and their spirit guests. Village musicians and the occasional mariachi band take requests for the loved one's favorite tunes.

The family will stay in the cemetery all night, visiting with neighbors, telling stories and jokes, and keeping the candles lit and the plates of food full for the unseen guests of honor.

tomb decoration
A man decorates a tomb as part of the Day Of The Dead celebrations at Cemetery of Iztapalapa on Nov. 02, 2018 in Mexico City, Mexico.
Carlos Tischler/Getty Images


7. There are Two Kinds of Calaveras

The Spanish word for skeleton iscalaveraand calaveras have become closely associated with Day of the Dead imagery, costumes and festive art.

The man credited with popularizing the calavera imagery wasMexican printmaker Jose Guadalupe Posada, who gained fame drawing satirical cartoons of Mexico's wealthy elite and corrupt politicians, all portrayed as comical skeletons. His most enduring image isLa Catrina, a stately female skeleton in a flowered hat and long dress who is at once a modern incarnation of Mictecacihuatl and a commentary on the folly of vanity.


今天你会发现及华丽的粘土雕像y painted Catrinas for sale at Day of the Dead markets alongside smaller figurines of calaveras at work and play: calavera dentists, calavera bartenders, calavera firemen, etc. And while costumes aren't a traditional part of Day of the Dead, it's pretty cool to dress up like a Catrina (or Catrin, her male equivalent) complete with artistic face paint.

But there's also a second type of Day of the Dead "calavera." When Posada was making his prints in turn-of-the-20th-century Mexico, many of his drawings adorned satirical poems calledcalaveras literarias("literary" calaveras). These short, rhyming verses poked fun at all classes of Mexican society and writing original calaveras is still part of Day of the Dead festivities for children and adults.


8. Those Sugar Skulls Aren't Snacks

Sugar skullsare everywhere on the Day of the Dead. In Mexico, craft markets are filled with sugar skulls of all sizes iced with intricate fluorescent designs. You might think that since they're made of sugar they're meant to be eaten, but you'd be wrong.

Sugar skulls are technically edible — they're made with a sugar paste calledalfeñique— but they're meant to be decorative, not a snack. Sugar skulls are supposed to be placed on homeofrendasor given to friends and family as gifts.


sugar skulls
Sugar skulls are mainly meant for decoration rather than to be eaten.
Marie Hickman/Getty Images

There are plenty of other edible skulls for sale at Day of the Dead markets, including chocolate skulls, lollipop candy skulls, marshmallow skulls, etc.


9. Pan de Muertos Is the Real Treat

One of the great pleasures of Day of the Dead is dipping a hunk of sugar-coatedpan de muertosor "dead bread" into a steaming mug of Mexican hot chocolate.

Pan de muerto
A woman makes a traditional Mexican bread of the dead (Pan de muerto) for Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos).
Larisa Blinova/Getty Images

Pan de muertosis a seasonal delicacy in Mexico only baked in late October. The bread is made with a rich, eggy dough flavored with a dash of orange blossom extract. It's shaped into a large round and topped with crossbones before being dusted with sugar and baked.


When eaten fresh,pan de muertois moist and cakey, but even stale dead bread is good with Mexican hot chocolate, known for its tantalizing hints of cinnamon.


10. Monarch Butterflies Have a Day of the Dead Connection

每年秋天,数以百万计的黑脉金斑蝶in the pine-covered mountains of the Mexican state of Michoacán. They have flown thousands of miles from Canada to spend the winter huddled in masses in the high-altitude Mexican forest.

Monarch butterflies were making this same miraculous migration centuries ago when indigenous groups like the native Purépecha were celebrating Day of the Dead. The monarchs were believed to be thesouls of the departed journeying back to the land of the living.

Day of the Dead FAQ

How did Day of the Dead start?
Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead started when indigenous Mexican groups fell to the early Spanish missionaries and were forced to adopt Christian beliefs, symbols, and traditions. The missionaries knew that the people would have an easier time accepting this if they fit it into an existing worldview and ritual calendar. Since the Mexican people venerated the dead, the Catholics looked for holidays that emphasized communion between the living and those beyond, including All Saints' Day (Nov. 1) and All Souls' Day (Nov. 2). The combination of the two religious and cultural celebrations resulted in Dia de los Muertos, which has been celebrated since the 16th century.
Is Day of the Dead religious?
Day of the Dead is kind of a Pagan-Catholic mashup or a religious syncretism, where existing religious customs are folded into a new belief system. Some people pray during the celebrations, while others do not. Overall, it's not overtly religious.
What kind of flowers are part of Day of the Dead?
Bright yellow cempasuchil flowers are the most common bloom used in the celebration, which are a type of Mexican marigold.
What do you put on a Day of the Dead altar?
Altars are called ofrendas, which are dedicated to a deceased loved one. Family always places a picture of the person who has passed on and some of their favorite foods and drinks on the altar. Flower petals, incense, candles, and colorful, artfully cut pieces of crepe paper all adorn the altars as well.
What supposedly happens on Day of the Dead?
Those who celebrate Day of the Dead believe there is no boundary between the spirit world and afterlife for two days. And during those days, souls of the dead come alive again and return to the living to party, drink, dance and play music with their loved ones. It's a celebration of life and a reminder that death isn't to be feared.

