St. Francis Is Credited With Creating the First Nativity Scene in 1223

By:Vanessa Corcoran|
Nativity scene
Nativity scenes in art, like this fresco at Saint Joseph des Nations church in Paris, are common. But where did the tradition of nativity scenes begin?Fred de Noyelle/Getty Images

Around theChristmasseason, it is common to see a display of the Nativity scene: a small manger with the baby Jesus and his family, shepherds, the three wise men believed to have visited Jesus after his birth and several barnyard animals.

One might ask, what are the origins of this tradition?


Biblical Description

The earliest biblical descriptions, the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Luke, written between A.D. 80 and 100, offer details ofJesus' birth, including that he was born in Bethlehem during the reign of King Herod.

The Gospel of Lukesaysthat when the shepherds went to Bethlehem, they "found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger."Matthewtells the story of the three wise men, or Magi, who "fell down" in worship and offered gifts of gold,frankincense and myrrh.


But as myresearch on the relationship between the New Testament and the development of popular Christian traditionsshows, the earliest biblical descriptions do notmention the presence of any animals. Animals first start to appear in religious texts around the seventh century.

A series of early Christian stories that informed popular religious devotion, including what's known as the Infancy Gospel of Matthew, attempted to fill in the gap between Christ's infancy and the beginning of his public ministry. This text was thefirst to mentionthe presence of animals at Jesus' birth. It described how the "most blessed Mary went forth out of the cave and entering a stable, placed the child in the stall, and the ox and the ass adored Him."

This description, subsequently cited in several medieval Christian texts, created the Christmas story popular today.


Start of Nativity Scenes

But the Nativity scene now re-created in town squares and churches worldwide was originally conceived by St. Francis of Assisi.

Much of what scholars know about Francis comes from "Life of St. Francis," written by the 13th-century theologian and philosopher St. Bonaventure.


Francis wasborn into a merchant familyin the Umbrian town of Assisi, in modern-day Italy, around 1181. But Francis rejected his family wealth early in his life and cast off his garments in the public square.

In 1209, he founded the mendicant order of the Franciscans, a religious group that dedicated themselves to works of charity. Today, Franciscans minister by serving the material and spiritual needs of the poor and socially marginalized.

According to Bonaventure, Francis in 1223 sought permission from Pope Honorius III to do something "for the kindling of devotion" to the birth of Christ. As part of his preparations, Francis "made ready a manger, and bade hay, together with an ox and an ass," in the small Italian town of Greccio.

一个证人,在人群中,聚集在这s event, reported that Francis included a carved doll that cried tears of joy and "seemed to be awakened from sleep when the blessed Father Francis embraced Him in both arms."

This miracle of the crying doll moved all who were present, Bonaventure writes. But Francis made another miracle happen, too: The hay that the child lay in healed sick animals and protected people from disease.

Nativity scene
(Left) "The Adoration of the Magi" (c. 1440/1460) is attributed to Fra Angelico. It's a richly decorated circular panel that presents a vision of the arrival of the Magi, accompanied by a courtly entourage, including animals. (Right) "The Christmas Celebration in the Forest of Greccio" is a fresco in the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi in Italy. It represents Saint Francis of Assisi creating the first Christmas crib in the year 1223.
Public Domain/HowStuffWorks


Nativity Imagery in Art

The Nativity story continued to expand within Christian devotional culture well after Francis' death. In 1291, Pope Nicholas IV, the first Franciscan pope, ordered that a permanent Nativity scene be erected at Santa Maria Maggiore, the largest church dedicated to the Virgin Mary in Rome.

Nativity imagery dominated Renaissance art.


This first living Nativity scene, which was famously depicted by Italian Renaissance painter Giotto di Bondone in the Arena Chapel of Padua, Italy, ushered in a new tradition of staging the birth of Christ.

In the tondo, a circular painting of the Adoration of the Magi by 15th-century painters Fra Angelico and Filippo Lippi, not only are there sheep, a donkey, a cow and an ox, there is even a colorful peacock that peers over the top of the manger to catch a glimpse of Jesus.


Political Turn of Nativity Scenes

After the birth of Jesus, King Herod, feeling as though his power was threatened by Jesus, ordered the execution of all boys under 2 years old. Jesus, Mary and Joseph were forced to flee to Egypt.

In an acknowledgment that Jesus, Mary and Joseph were refugees themselves, in recent years,some churcheshave used their Nativity scenes as a form of political activism to comment on the need for immigrant justice. Specifically, these "protest nativities" have criticized President Donald Trump's 2018 executive order on family separation at the U.S.-Mexico border.


For example, in 2018, a church in Dedham, Massachusetts, placed baby Jesus, representing immigrant children, in a cage. In 2019, atClaremont United Methodist Churchin California, Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus were all placed in separate barbed-wire cages in their outdoor Nativity scene.

These displays, which call attention to the plight of immigrants and asylum seekers, bring the Christian tradition into the 21st century.

Vanessa Corcoranis an adjunct professor of history and an academic counselor at Georgetown University.

This article is republished fromThe Conversationunder a Creative Commons license. You can find the original article here.


