Should I move my hard disk to the cloud?

hard drive
Is your data better off in the cloud than on a hard disk drive like this one?

Whether you have a terabyte worth of vacation photos or a host of sensitive documents sitting on your computer, you want to keep your data safe, secure and accessible. A big part of achieving these goals is choosing where your data will live. Should you rely on your computer's hard drive? Is an external hard drive for backup purposes necessary? Or should you shift all your data to thecloud?

Cloud storage has been making headlines for a few years now. The concept is pretty simple. You access the service through an Internet-connected device, pulling up whichever files you need at the time. Those files reside on servers that could potentially be thousands of miles or kilometers away.


There are dozens of companies that offer some form of cloud storage. Some even allot users a certain amount of storage space for free. With all the competition in the market, customers can shop around for the deal that makes the most sense for them. All of this is good news for people interested in cloud storage, but is it actually a good idea?

Let's take a look at the pros and cons of cloud storage and whybacking up your datais critical.


Silver Linings in Clouds

Perhaps the most attractive feature ofcloud storageis that it gives you lots of options when it comes to retrieving your data. Typically, cloud storage services require that you create a password-protected account with a unique user name. Logging into the service through a desktop program, smartphone app or Web browser gives you access to your files.

That means you don't have to keep track of various drives or devices. You can open a file on one computer, make some changes and save it to the cloud. Later, you can access the new version of the file on a different computer by logging into the cloud service. There's no need to e-mail files or save them to a physical medium like a flash drive.


Another positive feature of cloud computers is that any reputable service will ensure redundancy by storing your data on multipleservers. That way, should one server suffer a failure, you'll still be able to access your personal files without interruption. Most cloud networks have computers that take on the task of making sure every server holding your data has the latest version of the file.

Have you ever lost a digital file or had a hard drive go bad? It can be a stressful experience. You may have to bring a hard drive or computer to a data retrieval specialist and even then you may not get everything back. That's why backing up your data is important. It creates redundancy -- should one drive fail, you can still access the data on another system. Whether you prefer cloud storage or an external drive in your possession, consider backing up your data. It has the potential to prevent a huge headache.

Storing your data in the cloud also protects your information in case something should happen to your physical machine. Disasters like floods or fires could destroy all your information. A good cloud storage network will house servers in a secure location with failsafe systems in place to protect the machines.


Stormy Clouds

external hard drives
Is your data better off in the cloud than on a hard disk drive like this one?

There are some drawbacks tocloud storage如逢l. Cloud storage is a business and businesses can fail. If the cloud storage system you use has financial trouble, you may find yourself in the position of retrieving all your data in a short amount of time before the service goes offline. It also means trusting that the failing business will take every measure to ensure all customer data gets wiped out before selling off assets -- you wouldn't want your personal files to end up on a server sold to some other company.

If you're concerned about privacy, it's also good to look into how your data could be used by the service. This means reading theterms of service-- that long document that people often skim over before clicking on "Agree." It's possible some cloud storage services could send you targeted advertising based upon the files you save within the system. It may be that no human being is reading your information, but for some people the thought of a system mining files for advertising purposes is a deal breaker.


One question you should ask before diving into a cloud storage service is "Who owns my data?" Again, reading the terms of service is crucial. Some services may indicate that the service effectively owns anything you store on its servers. While it's clear that you own your data when you store it on a local hard drive, the same may not be true when you use cloud storage.

There's also the issue of data security. A good cloud storage service willencrypt所有数据。理想情况下,数据仍将无法使用even should a hacker gain access to it. It's safe to bet that the larger cloud service companies employ security measures far more strict than the average computer owner. But it's also true that these companies are bigger targets than the typical user.

One last drawback is that you need an Internet connection to access your files. If you happen to be in a place that has limited or no access to the Internet or should your Internet service fail, your data will remain out of reach. The same is true if there is a catastrophic failure at the cloud service facility -- should the data center lose power or connectivity, your data will be out of reach.

Remember, it's in the cloud storage service's best interest to make sure connectivity and security are as strong as possible. But it remains true that you need to take these factors into consideration before making a move to the cloud.

Ultimately, the important note to take away from this is that you should备份你的数据. Don't store all your digital information on a single device -- devices fail and you may lose something important or irreplaceable. A balance of local and cloud storage can be a great solution. Just be sure to research the cloud storage services you're considering to make sure they're a good fit!


Author's Note

I use a combination of local and cloud storage to store my files. I have an external hard drive that my iMac uses as a backup every week. I use cloud storage for many of my personal projects. I even have a dozen or so thumb drives I use to store photos, videos and other files. Keeping track of all the various forms of storage is in itself complicated but it helps keep my data safe through redundancy.

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  • Baylor University. "Cloud Services." (Sept. 4, 2012)
  • Lata, Mike. "Google Drive, Dropbox, iCloud: Data Privacy in the Public Cloud." TrainSignal. May 8, 2012 (Sep 4, 2012)
  • Srivastava, Mandira. "Cloud Computing – The Risks and Benefits of Cloud Storage." Smallbiz Technology. Sept. 12, 2011. (Sept. 4, 2012)
  • Vaas, Lisa. "Cloud Storage Security Isn't as Solid as Vendors Want You to Believe." eWeek. May 15, 2012. (Sept. 4, 2012).


Frequently Answered Questions

Which is better i cloud or hard drive?
There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on personal preferences and needs. Some people may prefer the convenience of having their files stored in the cloud so they can access them from anywhere, while others may prefer the security of knowing their files are stored locally on a hard drive.
Why hard drives are better than cloud storage?
There are a few reasons why hard drives are typically better than cloud storage: 1. Hard drives are cheaper. This is especially true if you need a lot of storage space. 2. Hard drives are faster. This is because they are not reliant on an internet connection to work. 3. Hard drives are more secure. This is because they are not stored on a remote server where hackers could potentially access them.

